Example sentences of "by my [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In effect , if it was a profession it was a profession in name only ( a point made indirectly by my lecturer who studiously avoided use of the word ) .
2 Very good , very , very good , no I think as I say the only thing I said to Mr I told him that I 'm very upset because I 've always been treated ever so fair by him I mean they 've really been good to us , you ca n't say they 're not , I mean no other Council I do n't think is as good as Harlow Council , well I say that because I know by my friends who live away they 're not er , they do n't get half the benefits that they get here , I mean we are looked after are n't we ?
3 not by my maths it does n't
4 now if you 're a football fan you 'll have been crossing the days out on the calendar for a couple of months now … the supporters scarf will have been washed and ironed and sitting ready for weeks … and by my calculation you 've only got one hundred and sixteen hours left to the big kick off … so here 's a taster
5 As by my faith I see no more in you
6 Chandos Herald , the Black Prince 's biographer , makes the prince reply to Charles V 's letter citing him to appear before the parlement of Paris by saying , ‘ Lords , by my faith it seems to me that the French think I am dead ; but if God gives me comfort , and I can get up from this bed , I will do them a great deal of harm even now , for God knows that they lack a good case , and they will have real cause to complain of me . ’
7 The collection or pot plants was n't simply brought about by my parking my car at the garden centre every time I went to the hospital ; there was more to it than that .
8 My request was dismissed with some amusement by my parents who added that I should have more sense than to believe in all that mumbo-jumbo .
9 When I was nine months old I was taken out to India by my parents who had a theatre company — they still have it , in fact , and they still tour .
10 By my bed there 's a wall and it used to be covered in orange- flowered wallpaper .
11 Well , by my reckonings it lasted , oh , all of three minutes .
12 That I correctly interpreted this is strongly suggested by the fact that she was not surprised by my answer which was to stop what I was doing , go out with her , and set about trying to free the cat .
13 When I first began the work that I am doing now , I decided to keep an open mind about the topic ; but , as time has progressed , I have been able to record details of fact , time and place given to me by my patients which have later been checked and confirmed and found to be wholly accurate .
14 So , by my definition nobody ‘ dominated ’ the last 20 mins .
15 Yet by my Poverty I think I 'm one .
16 I tried to take over the kitchen , but in this I was thwarted by my father who had his own ideas about food , and who would keep interfering and making a mess , whereas I preferred to clear away and wash up as I went along .
17 My interest in this particular aircraft is brought about mainly by my father who , now in his 70s , spent his war years as a young man serving in the RAF as an airframe fitter .
18 I suppose I was influenced by my father who used to sing and tell stories at concert parties he ran .
19 This distrust of the social scientist is so deeply ingrained that when I was reading anthropology as an undergraduate and I was asked by my colleagues what subject I was reading , I knew that I would have to prevaricate or face problems .
20 She marvelled even more though when Cara 's basic efficiency surfaced as she declared , ‘ By my calculations you 'll still have time to get down to Dover after you 've dropped me off at the airport . ’
21 By my absence I am conspicuous .
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