Example sentences of "by the people [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As Harvey Wilson , says , ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they 're not proud of and , by the same token , it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead . ’
2 Three of the five who had no visitors were said by the people we interviewed to have had no relatives .
3 How would the caring services react if we knew that our performance was being evaluated by the people we were serving , and if disabled people were always involved in deciding : which issues they felt were most important ; how the money should be spent ; and who they wanted to employ to support them to get the job done .
4 The rhetorical question was asked : ‘ How could a TANU government , a government elected by the people which drew its power from those people , act against the people 's interests ? ’
5 There 's like this sort of disease , but no one mentions it ; everyone behaves as though it 's normal , y' know inevitable that there 's vandalism an , violence an , houses burnt out an' wrecked by the people they were built for .
6 Both men took , grave risks in the roles they adopted and could well have been attacked had their disguises been broken by the people they lived with .
7 Whatever the original guidelines given them , goes the argument , the agents get drawn into doing what is in the best interest of those they are regulating — they are , wittingly or unwittingly , captured by the people they are supposed to be policing ( see , for example , Stigler , 1971 ) .
8 Bodies with an ostensibly overseeing role , like the People 's Control Commissions , were half-hearted in operation and often effectively controlled by the people they were supposed to be investigating .
9 The Hearthwares and Myrcans were greeted with friendliness and something like relief by the people they came upon — merchants in covered carts , farmers with flocks and herds , women bent under loads of firewood or water , children trailing behind them and eyeing the armoured figures on the big horses in wonder .
10 Another medium is house-style ( e.g. a specific ‘ logo ’ like the woolmark sign devised by the International Wool Secretariat and displayed on hats and uniforms worn by the people they sponsor ) .
11 There was so much going on all over the mission , more often than not organized by the people themselves .
12 So , Korea is the only country where the Catholic Church was founded not by missionaries , but by the people themselves .
13 It is that the view of Anglo-American finance as a casino full of rapacious capitalists has become popular at the same time as those countries ' companies were being taken over by the people themselves .
14 Just as their main interest was in the ways of life of people as seen by the people themselves , so they tried to get a sense of the past into their work by using life-histories .
15 New theoretical paradigms have emerged that are centred on people 's actions , networking among grassroots organisations , the cultivation of a popular movement , the creation of new ‘ languages ’ and symbols by the people themselves ( thus enlarging their cultural space ) , and a reclamation of the change process .
16 Yet whatever the hopes of kings and their legal advisers , they were not shared by the people themselves .
17 In spite of all efforts , the well-intentioned plan of the negotiators was spoiled by the people themselves .
18 The system of the citizens filling offices by random rotation , and of having the right to take part in the assembly , meant that Athens between , say 462 and 322 , came as near as any community ever has to achieving the democratic ideal of government by the people themselves , through citizen participation , rather than the modern substitutes of representation or even delegation .
19 Democracy meant government by the people themselves ; what is now tendentiously termed direct democracy .
20 We should note that we have already moved some way from the Greek conception of democracy as government by the people themselves .
21 This meant individual and private as well as state and municipal ownership ; and in the political sphere it meant ‘ genuine popular rule — rule of the people by the people themselves ’ .
22 All this had been done and was being done every day all over Europe by the people whom I had found so pleasant and human ever since I had been shot down .
23 This means that although the State is an external , exploitative body it is not seen as such by the people who , on the contrary , see it as a kind of beneficent organism which ‘ gives ’ them the land on which they depend .
24 The security apparatus , known as Stasi by the people who feared it , is on its last legs after 39 years of running agents , snooping on dissidents and harassing critics of the ruling Communist party .
25 The claim for nationalization was that public ownership would mean more commitment to those industries by the people who worked for them .
26 The remains of the Body & Face Place chain have been bought by the people who operate another franchise business , Snappy Snaps , but few of the original Body & Face Place franchisees have chosen to transfer to the new owner .
27 THIS YEAR nearly 20,000 houses will be built by the people who are going to live in them .
28 According to the ‘ polluter pays ’ principle , the costs of dealing with pollution should be borne by the people who create it .
29 But this calls into question whether the potential of mentally handicapped people is fully appreciated by the people who are making those crucial life or death decisions .
30 They added it , I should have known , to try and get a younger audience and it was n't well understood by the people who wrote it .
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