Example sentences of "by [noun] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of a sale by description is that in deciding to buy the buyer placed some ( but not necessarily exclusive ) reliance upon the description .
2 What I have to recognise by contrast is that even now James Joyce , born a hundred years ago , brings not unity but division , nor does this division merely reflect some such crude opposition as highbrow and lowbrow , or even informed and uninformed .
3 The relationship between a and r is The area of the spherical surface labelled by r is and not , and its circumference is and not .
4 I would not disagree with that approach er one of the problems in dealing with this erm criterion by criterion is that er I ca n't refer to other points I 've made elsewhere on other aspects .
5 The obvious snag with free space communication by light is that the atmosphere attenuates the beam .
6 Indeed one possible advantage offered by computers is that they free children from lower order tasks and allow far more time for higher order thinking — instead of laboriously drawing a graph , pupils have more time for analysis of a graph produced by the computer .
7 ( An alternative expression of Lotka 's Law derived by Kyvik is that the number of scientists producing n papers is proportional to 1/n .
8 The only stipulation by law is that the profits be spent on the acquisition of other items for the collection , which means that a museum will , more than ever before , become the show-case of each successive director 's taste .
9 The corollary of the possession of power by companies is that the individuals , interest groups , and communities affected by it suffer a lack of control over the conditions which determine how they live their lives .
10 A full list of the assets acquired by Deminex is as follows :
11 ‘ The construct of authority ‘ held in the mind ’ is that it could be good but is in actuality bad , and the hope held by workers is that it [ authority ] may be all that is positive for their children .
12 The most important assertion made by Klaus is that there were two waves of labouring poets in the century , the first following Duck 's success in the early 1730s , and the second in the 1770s .
13 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
14 Above : The great thing about this indoor pool by Cascade is that during the warm summer months the doors slide open to give you the best of both worlds .
15 One great joy about travelling by train is that places can be viewed at a distance , without the urgent compulsion to visit , in person , every stick and stone of a place systematically itemising contents and structure .
16 What is said of the Spirit by Hopko is that the Spirit exists in the service of the male Christ .
17 One of the key arguments put forward by CERN is that the LHC can be built in the same 27-kilometre tunnel as the LEP thus saving massively on the cost .
18 A problem with the design used by Spear is that there is no guarantee that the two groups learned equally readily during aversive training with the odour cue .
19 One of the unquestionable advantages of the growing use of computers by humanists is that it has done something to bridge the divide between two cultures — scientific and humanist — which many writers have lamented as threatening to fragment the community of scholars and the republic of learning .
20 The main thing to bear in mind about information distributed by publishers is that it is a form of advertising .
21 A full list of the assets acquired by Pentex is as follows :
22 The difference between the fragmentation described by Braverman and that analysed by Stone is that the former came about in order to de-skill and control through Tayloristic practices , while the latter came about partly in order to create a range of jobs which could be formed into a job ladder .
23 ( j ) A point sometimes missed by students is that the deception need not relate to the reason why the accused is paying for a service .
24 One of the most common complaints against theists by philosophers is that they will not say what would count against their belief in God .
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