Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Paradoxically , though , Roxburgh observed that Jess , who he favourably compared with a young Kenny Dalglish , had ‘ become an internationalist ’ at Ibrox by proving he could function at the highest level .
2 There is truth , it is possible at least to advance towards it , we must n't sit down in what Hume called ‘ a forlorn scepticism ’ , erm it will require great courage to pursue it , but only by pursuing it shall mankind prosper .
3 By experimenting one will only discover the delights of this neglected , but most versatile medium .
4 Do you think you also were hitting the rawest of nerves within the church , and maybe within Archbishop McQuaid himself , by suggesting there may be homosexuality among priests and even implying that people could get pleasure from sex ?
5 They suffered from bronchial diseases — even the children — and Jane made herself unpopular by suggesting it might be something to do with the ubiquitous air conditioning .
6 But the teacher of this lesson wisely does not want it left as ‘ slack ’ as that : she qualified the listener 's contribution by suggesting she should be in role as a friend , colleague or relation .
7 LG himself apparently drummed up support for his daughter by suggesting he would help her main rival , Ellis W. Roberts , a local barrister , find a seat elsewhere .
8 Troubled Mr Major yesterday headed for a showdown with Euro-rebels by announcing he would put the Maastricht Treaty before Parliament around Christmas .
9 Warner Brothers responded by announcing it would bring Hollywood stars to Teddington Studios .
10 ‘ Well , yeah , ’ said a nome , ‘ but , well , Nisodemus says we can stop this thing just by believing we can .
11 The only question is whether we do it now or lose out altogether by supposing we can do it later .
12 As it is , I think every hour that passes increases the risk of your not seeing your daughter again whether you pay the ransom or not , and that by paying you may well be signing her death warrant .
13 By recycling you can :
14 Mrs Bottomley , representing ‘ caring Conservatism ’ , will face Mr Michael Portillo , the new Treasury Chief Secretary , who is equally keen to establish his Right-wing credentials by demonstrating he can keep keep a tight grip on the public purse strings .
15 Unions yesterday accused Rolls-Royce of ‘ blackmailing ’ workers into leaving by threatening they could lose enhanced redundancy payments worth thousands of pounds .
16 By leasing he could not only spread the payments , but either enjoy for himself the benefit of a 100 per cent tax write-off on the asset of the plane in the first year , or come to some arrangement with a financier , who would build the tax deduction into the price .
17 By saying they 'll shoot Liam Shakespeare if the Government do n't agree by Friday .
18 No one was quite sure whether this was a good idea , however , as some of the old party 's members refused to recognise the new party , though they hedged their bets by saying they might consider applying for membership .
19 The clubs countered by saying they would boycott a scheduled meeting between the WRU 's competition sub-committee and the leagues working party .
20 Sure enough , the entire church was gutted by fire and the next day the Church authorities responded by saying they would now seek to demolish the church .
21 So it 's normally brought to us either by , the neighbours ringing in or somebody passing by saying they can hear screaming .
22 Houston police are trying to find a man who has succeeded in getting teenage girls to pose nude for him by saying they will appear in a music video for NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK .
23 Camus concludes his study of absurdity by saying we must imagine Sisyphus happy .
24 Mrs er has er actually said that we should be getting some more money and then she spoilt it by saying we should be using the money we have n't got more er better use it and er maybe knocking the traffic li er islands out will save us a problem cos we 'll get a few kids knocked down and we wo n't have to bother with em .
25 Perhaps he could get off the hook by saying he would go in the morning ?
26 Two days before the funeral Henry was asked to give a short speech , and although he began by saying he would not be able to talk , did n't think he could get the words out , was no orator , ended , of course by accepting .
27 Shuffling Kenneth Clarke , the home secretary , and fancied to replace Norman Lamont as chancellor , soothed Tory Euro-sceptics by saying he would be ‘ surprised ’ if sterling rejoined the European exchange-rate mechanism during the present Parliament .
28 The doctor put him in the middle or late fifties , though , being a doctor , he hedged a bit by saying he might be anywhere between forty-five and sixty .
29 Mr Voss then adds insult by saying he 'll give me two Yalbury Cottage postcards ( showing its thatched cottage side ) instead of my change .
30 Then , after that humiliation , he had added insult to injury by saying she 'd be perfectly safe with him !
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