Example sentences of "by [num] people [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 The region around Chimoio is swollen by 400,000 people who sought refuge from the civil war .
2 Mr Foster said she was last seen alive at 10.30am on Friday by five people who were registered with the centre .
3 John Browne , who is standing as a rebel Tory candidate against the official Conservative in Winchester , rejected yesterday a plea by five people who had been supporting him that he should stand down .
4 The special language that is shared by two people who love one another .
5 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
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