Example sentences of "at [adv] a week " in BNC.

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1 To avoid this , start your new method of contraception at least a week before the IUD is removed .
2 A dose of flu means you could be off work for at least a week .
3 They should last at least a week .
4 John Sluggett , who farms near Probus , mid-Cornwall , says he will be at least a week before starting on winter barley .
5 Any good old-fashioned butcher will tell you that beef and lamb must be hung , in a cold store , for at least a week to 10 days .
6 One thing I do remember was an occasion when the occupants of Hut 4 provided the whole camp , unwittingly , with a topic of conversation which went the rounds for at least a week .
7 Start filling them in at least a week before you embark on the diet , so that you have a ‘ base-line ’ from which to judge the effect of the diet .
8 A dose of flu means you could be off work for at least a week .
9 She would n't be fit enough to ride for at least a week , but she was able to organize the move to a new flat which Annie had found for her , situated just behind the saddler 's shop .
10 Nominations need to stand for at least a week , but MPs will not be at Westminster to vote .
11 Termination of the agreement by the HP finance company if the consumer stopped paying was allowed only if he had disregarded a default notice allowing him at least a week to pay up .
12 ‘ We ought to get Karen here at least a week before she leaves , ’ he said to Celia that weekend , ‘ so she knows the routine . ’
13 Prepare your skin beforehand by moisturising all over , every day , for at least a week before you use the fake tan .
14 ‘ I did n't expect to hear anything for at least a week , but the next day she rang with the words and melody all worked out — and she had sat a school exam the same day . ’
15 Trainees should have at least a week to complete this but they can be helped with a list of the key components their responses should contain :
16 We only had two days on Fregate and I could easily have spent at least a week .
17 The men had been dead for at least a week and speculation is mounting that they had suffocated after locking themselves in the container .
18 All are best ordered from your local bank at least a week before departure .
19 I have hardly thought of her for at least a week ; I am free of the little stabs of pain and the scudding dark clouds which had a habit of appearing from nowhere , uninvited and unexpected .
20 He had been there at least a week , a stain of blood spreading out from his face across the bottom mattress , his shattered body preserved by the freezing February weather .
21 Examinations usually start at 9 a.m. , so make sure that you are physically attuned to that time by keeping regular hours and rising sufficiently early for at least a week before .
22 Revisiting the site at intervals ( of at least a week ) note whether the marked animals are feeding on the same prey or not .
23 In fact I tuned out altogether for at least a week , while John checked into the hotel and ran around town shuffling papers and permits and palmgrease and all the other shit you deal in when you 're firming up a fresh identity .
24 Alternatively , you must have been in charge of a yacht for at least a week , perhaps on Villa-Flotilla .
25 F2 You have been in charge of a small sailing cruiser for at least a week .
26 He switched on the radio and learned that temperatures of minus 6 were expected tonight ; the forecaster believed they were due for a ‘ cold snap ’ which could last at least a week .
27 A cold snap , lasting at least a week
28 It was stipulated that there was to be 23 hundred pounds to the " Tunn " and five score and twelve pounds to the hundred … " the bank to be made clear of ore Twice every year at least a week before ye 29th Sept and ye 1st day of May … "
29 It reminded me how quiet my rocky tooth had been for at least a week or two now …
30 Er I th I think er y I think you should give yourself a at least a week without it to get the a chance to get away .
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