Example sentences of "at [adv] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 For Hampshire he had a very successful first full season , taking 119 wickets at only 13 in 1974 , and having some good days in limited-overs cricket as well .
2 Decrees granted for divorce , which had stood at only 27,000 in 1961 , and 80,000 in 1971 , reached 175,000 in the mid-1980s , from which women suffered most .
3 And having arrived at so much in the way of a comparison , she saw , suddenly revealed to her , how much there had been in those other rooms to admire .
4 The conglomerate is indeed becoming typical of technologically advanced cultural production in the advanced capitalist economies , and its theoretical importance , in this context , is that it is at once dominant in modern cultural production and yet , in its determining forms , radically separate from it ; its ‘ purpose ’ ( cf. page 67 ) now primarily elsewhere .
5 Membership of the NKLP was estimated at nearly 700,000 in a pyramidal structure at the base of which ‘ is an enormous mass of virtually illiterate farmers , numbering perhaps half a million , as well as about 180,000 uneducated factory workers ’ .
6 I would get home at about 7.30 in the evening and I still had to do my homework .
7 Cecilia Darne , who lived round the corner , said she heard a bell toll once at about eight in the morning .
8 He bearded Jean-Paul when his brother finally got up at about eleven in the morning .
9 I know I unlocked the cupboard to get the morphia at about eleven in the morning . ’
10 After leaving school at around ten o'clock , we arrived at Cliff College at about four-thirty in the afternoon .
11 The exact size of its staff is secret but was estimated at about 20,000 in the early 1980s .
12 Andy shows me to my room , a floor down , at about four in the morning .
13 At about four in the morning , by the light of one candle , she thrust two more books into the new black bag , tested its weight , and did it up .
14 We got there at about 10.55 in time to see the 11.00 train which was hauled by 323 Bluebell and their LMS tank .
15 John Cranko was born at about six in the morning of 15 August 1927 , a Monday .
16 On Thursday , at about six in the morning , it might do them good to have a bottle of Becks in their hand .
17 At about six in the evening the trip home would begin , after some hectic moments of rounding up the strays .
18 A few nights later I was woken by a noise at about two in the morning .
19 At about 3 in the afternoon , the first newspapers announcing England 's declaration of war were on the streets .
20 I remember on one occasion the four of us went down to Glastonbury Fair where he sang , but due to a balls-up over the sound and the electricity , they did n't put him on until the next day and that was at about 5.00 in the morning when the sun came through .
21 Family and guests could be heard playing charades and blindman 's buff in the drawing room , and Mr Priddy snuffed out the candles , replacing them with new ones ready for tea at about ten in the evening when the table would again be laden with sweetmeats and delicacies .
22 The few ships out in the harbour sent up fireworks and flares , and the low hills around town echoed with the wail of sirens and foghorns — at least until the dark did set in at about three in the morning .
23 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
24 The alarm came at about three in the morning , a barn-owl 's screech out of the night from Meurig on top of the ridge to Iorwerth waking and on guard at the camp .
25 Observations have been made , some of them with an arrangement unlikely to produce separation , of transition occurring at around 3000 in a manner similar to that described above for higher Reynolds numbers — turbulent spots originating close to the wall and then spreading to give turbulent slugs .
26 After the ceremony , at around one in the morning , Dustin rang his friend , actor Stanley Beck ( who would later appear in John and Mary and Lenny , and co-produce Straight Time ) , telling him he had nowhere to stay the night .
27 The fact that both Bush and his wife had contracted the disease ( a coincidence estimated at around one in 3,000,000 ) , together with the discovery in 1990 of lumpus ( another auto-immune disease ) in Bush 's dog , Millie , led to the initiation of tests on the drinking water in all houses used by the Bush family to see if there could be an environmental cause of their ailments .
28 The leadership team fluctuates at around eight in number .
29 Direct employment in Scotland associated with Ministry of Defence expenditure on equipment stood at around 14,000 in 1989-90 .
30 These will be available as root-wrapped plants from garden centres at around 5.99 in autumn .
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