Example sentences of "at [noun prp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why not run some trains beyond the intended terminus at Middlesbrough to the coast Saltburn and Whitby ?
2 David Hempleman Adams did n't need much help navigating his team from his base at Swindon to the House of Commons ; after all he 'd successfully managed to get them to the North Geomagnetic Pole .
3 David Hempleman Adams did n't need much help navigating his team from his base at Swindon to the House of Commons ; after all he 'd successfully managed to get them to the North Geomagnetic Pole .
4 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
5 It was decided from the outset to present the archaeological results of the project at Cosmeston to the public in the most imaginative way possible .
6 Bill Pedler won some impressive professional competitions in the South of England and Dorothy Campbell , the Ladies ' Champion of Great Britain , France and Canada played an Exhibition at Henley to the great delight of the members .
7 The Roman bridge connects the Roman fort at Inveresk to the harbour .
8 There is provision for transfer between the ordinary and honours degree courses and from the BTEC HND Computer Studies ( Code CE1112 ) ( see page 167 ) course at Coleraine to the degree course , on the basis of academic performance .
9 This was to achieve little save loss , but it was at least a factor in bringing the German attack at Verdun to an end .
10 A wide range of optional excursions is offered , from trips to the Sphinx and pyramids at Giza to a tour of the museum which houses Tutankhamun 's treasures .
11 Crossing the Ouse over the Cosgrove Aqueduct , the canal climbs to Stoke Bruerne in Northamptonshire , now the home of the National Waterways Museum , through Blisworth Tunnel and more locks ; then it leaves the Grand Junction system at Norton , climbing at Watford to the summit level plateau , 413.5 feet above sea level , before dropping suddenly at Foxton .
12 The case at Water Newton is rather less certain , but it has been argued that either one of the two large buildings visible at the centre of the defended area served as an administrative centre for the Fens , or that this function was performed by the remarkable complex identified at Castor to the north-east of the town 's extramural suburbs .
13 Even more imposing is the exceptionally large complex at Castor to the north-east , which has been variously identified as an official residence , a large villa and a rural sanctuary .
14 At British initiative , we committed ourselves at Maastricht to the further enlargement of the Community , starting with the EFTA countries .
15 Eadberht last appears in 762 as a witness to a grant of land at Rochester to the bishop of Rochester by Sigered , king of Kent ( CS 193 : S 32 ) , the name suggesting a possible East Saxon origin .
16 There was a subdued ‘ clanging ’ from Henderson 's Shipyard at Meadowside to the left , and the passengers waiting for the ferry on the Govan side at Water Row , could see the glow of fires where the boilermakers were busy putting the finishing touches to the Anchor Line 's new flagship , the Columbia .
17 He had also become closely attached whilst at Cambridge to the family of his married sister Susanna Collett , who lived nearby and delighted in the entertainment of scholars from the University .
18 ‘ It was as if a key turned , ’ Margaret Drabble once remarked of her easy transition from student days at Cambridge to the life of an instant bestseller in realistic fiction with her first novel , A Summer Birdcage ( 1962 ) .
19 Anxious that the poorer areas in the east of Paris should have the same facilities as those in the west , the Emperor gave the land at Vincennes to the city and a huge park was constructed at the expense of the privy purse .
20 After Glencoe JTR travelled to Fort William by boat than trans-shipped at Banavie to the Caledonian Canal steamboat .
21 The one of the Dallachy Strike Wing ( FP November , p29 ) has been less publicised than its counterpart at Banff to the south , perhaps because it operated the Beaufighter rather than the more glamorous Mosquito .
22 His case had been remitted from the Sheriff Court at Hamilton to the High Court for sentence .
23 The nobleman Berhtfrith subsequently attributed Osred 's victory over his enemies at Bamburgh to the decision of Osred 's party to do justice by Wilfrid ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) and the indications are that Wilfrid came to an understanding with Osred 's party following his rejection by Eadwulf .
24 Simon 's parents estimate they 've travelled around 35 000 miles from their home at Gosditch to the various hospitals where their son 's been treated .
25 A rich variety of attractions exist throughout the area ; from the internationally famous Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton to the renowned Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park near Chard .
26 Send in the clowns Beadle loses the battle at Bognor to the Batband .
27 The Middleton Open was transferred from the iced solid Erewash Canal at Ilkeston to the warm water-boosted Beeston Canal , where all 13 competitors had fish .
28 On GATT ( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ) the European Council " reaffirmed its commitment at Birmingham to an early , comprehensive and balanced agreement " on the Uruguay Round of negotiations .
29 Four years later , on Friday 28 June 1771 , he recorded that he ‘ preached in the street at Portadown to a serious and well-behaved congregation ’ .
30 Three weeks ago , the 102nd Airborne Division , Russian-trained and regarded as a crack unit , was rushed from its base at Asmara to the front line , but it too has been mauled by the rebels , who swept through the mountains flanking the main road , capturing all the towns as far as Woldiya .
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