Example sentences of "at [noun prp] [coord] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Once C … rang Peter at DPR and put to him this " business proposition " : " You 're an artist .
2 Some of the most remarkable have been found at Colchester and published by M. R. Hull .
3 The armour is built up from woven fabric supplied by Courtaulds Aerospace Performance Fabrics at Littleborough and impregnated with resin by Courtaulds Aerospace Electrical Insulation , of Runcorn .
4 I was there at UC and finished in 1978 .
5 By 1894 Glasgow Town Council , the same august body that had fought at Flodden and given its trousers to the Bonnie Prince , changed its name and became ‘ The Corporation of Glasgow ’ .
6 He says that there is not any coal in Ila , but to this day there are those who say that some coal was found at Daill and used by a blacksmith at Bridgend , although there is no evidence from where this was obtained .
7 He says that there is not any coal in Ila , but to this day there are those who say that some coal was found at Daill and used by a blacksmith at Bridgend , although there is no evidence from where this was obtained .
8 There is coal in Kintyre and large pieces are sometimes brought up by fishing boats working locally , so perhaps the old people who say that coal was mined at Daill and used by a local blacksmith in the First World War are correct , although no trace of workings has been found .
9 I pointed my piece at Johnny and squeezed on the trigger .
10 Some inhabitants of Attica perhaps did not bother much with either deme or polis politics : the country house below the cave of Pan at Vari ( the ancient deme of Anagyruus ) , whose remains were cleared and studied by the British School at Athens and published in 1973 , gives an impression of self-sufficiency — there is copious archaeological evidence for bee-keeping at the Vari villa — and peace , a long way from the speechmakers of the Pnyx .
11 Train-loco for this working was ex-BR Class 03 shunter D2112 ( 03112 ) built at Doncaster and introduced in 1960 .
12 Based at Bexhill-on-Sea and headed by directors David Gould and John Foyle , Botes Unifoyle will handle the total book purchasing and distribution for all its overseas library and school customers .
13 At some point before 664 Ealhfrith ejected Eata , abbot of Melrose and a pupil of Aidan ( HE III , 16 ) , and his companion , Cuthbert , who would not accept the Catholic Easter and other canonical rites of the Roman Church , from his new foundation at Ripon and committed it instead to Wilfrid ( HE III , 25 : V , 19 ) It was with Ealhfrith that Bishop Agilbert and his priest , Agatho , stayed when they visited the northern Angles prior to arguing in favour of the Dionysian Easter at the council of Whitby ( HE III , 25 ) .
14 On the 8th June 1699 , the same day as the trial of John McVeir , they appeared before the Justice Depute at Inveraray and adhered to the confession made in Islay .
15 Until that history was published , in 1974 , nobody had publicly admitted that polonium was either produced at Windscale or used in the bomb .
16 From 1929 to 1939 Ramsey — trained as a classicist at Cambridge and fired with an enthusiasm for ancient Greece — had taught Greek and Latin in London .
17 He attended St Andrews University , and took his MA by 1606 , when he was incorporated at Cambridge and elected a fellow of Sidney Sussex College .
18 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
19 The Brazilian , Pele , described the Englishman 's performance in the group match between the two countries , played at Guadalajara and won by Brazil with the only goal of the game , as ‘ one of the best we will see in the championship . ’
20 Then he was captured at Tobruk and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp in Italy , which was guarded by Germans .
21 This stone was probably quarried at Maidstone and conveyed by river to the site .
22 This suggestion , made recently by Tim Crow at the MRC 's Clinical Research Centre at Harrow and published in the Lancet ( vol I , p 1735 , is still highly speculative , but his report draws attention to the fact that the biological nature of this much feared illness could soon be understood .
23 Circumstantial evidence suggested that the fifth bomb was loaded at Malta and transferred onto PanAm 103 at Frankfurt .
24 I asked him , but he was already asleep and I drove on to Huacho , wondering what sort of a man Gómez would turn out to be and why Iris Sunderby had broken her journey at Lima and driven up to Cajamarca .
25 Margaret certainly visited ‘ Edwy ’ ( the family name for the poet ) at Oxford and corresponded with him subsequently from the USA until his death .
26 ‘ Even though the property market has had its problems and tenants are n't as thick on the ground as normal , a number have looked at CADCAM but gone elsewhere because of the traffic problems , ’ he said .
27 ‘ Hunterston pulled out all the stops to get the spare transformer readied for shipment , a section of the fence was removed to give easy access for the low-loader , and the transformer was moved to the docks at Ardrossan and loaded on to the Fisher .
28 Was it the last act of a popular drama begun at Aranjuez and thwarted by Napoleon 's desertion of Ferdinand and protection of Godoy , a revolution of disappointed vengeance , a revolution directed against Godoy 's creatures in the provincial administrations who now followed the French ?
29 An example of similar design to this was excavated at Richborough and dated 50–80 AD .
30 Miller was also interested in the fruit garden at Goodwood and reported on trials carried out with various walls to see if a circular construction might be beneficial , but he came to the conclusion that nothing would thrive in a constant draught of air .
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