Example sentences of "at [pers pn] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Afterwards — she would not look at me or speak for a long time .
2 ‘ Do n't you ever do that again , ’ he said , without looking at me or breaking his stride .
3 The second thing productive I do n't think it 's productive for people to interrupt start shouting at me and chairing at me or shout shout at the platform cos I think all that 's gon na happen there is the meetings gon na disintegrate and nothing will be as right .
4 Whenever we pass in the corridor he aims a kick at me or tries to take my bag or … well , I 'm sure you can imagine the situation .
5 It can be a fairly minor loss , like social status or face — some people suffer agonies for fear that someone will laugh at them or sneer at their taste or intelligence , for example .
6 Depending on how influential people were , Mickey either nodded at them or gave them a hearty greeting .
7 He still drank , began to smoke , and only took notice of his wife and child to shout at them or hit them , usually when he was drunk .
8 Is it having people looking at you or having to speak to a large crowd when you have never done that before ?
9 ‘ Oh , Great-gran , I 'll either have to laugh at you or yell at you .
10 She drove slowly in Conterchi so as not to miss the turning and Italians hooted at her or raised their fingers in gestures she knew to be obscene .
11 Already , after a few months ' acquaintance , he complained to Harry of ‘ this hideous analysis which so masters me ’ and he tried to express Helen 's profound effect upon him : ‘ I always wonder when I look at her or think of her .
12 It was hard to decide if he was laughing at her or impressed by her performance .
13 She complained that British men must be homosexual not to make a pass at her or look at her legs .
14 He watched as she poured water from the jug into the bowl and quickly washed and then dressed ; not once did she look at him or speak one word .
15 Try to avoid shouting at him or upsetting him emotionally .
16 She did n't want to look at him or talk to him again today .
17 He was terribly disappointed she had n't flown at him or reacted more strongly .
18 Every time she shouted at him or reacted to something he had said , it seemed to reveal something she had never meant to let him see .
19 She could not glare at it or protect herself by clutching at the chair 's arms .
20 A saving is one way of looking at it or profiting from education is another way , apparently what the Conservatives would wish to do , they wish to make people pay for education and there is no other way of looking at it .
21 Had he been a dunce at it or did his present situation , despite the opportunity it affords for the histrionics he so loves , make him feel like pawn ?
22 Twenty-seven trains a day stop at it or start from it ; it serves even the expresses .
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