Example sentences of "at [pers pn] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 She looks at me like she 's asked a question and she wants me to answer .
2 ‘ Now , sir , ’ she says , walking round the chair and looking at me like she 's a real barber .
3 Marie looks at me like she 's waiting for me to say something .
4 I say I 'm sorry for treading on her , but she just looks at me like she do n't understand .
5 Oh yes , it 's in Scotland , you see , and whilst there , you see , every day er because a lady laughed at me and she said , she was staying in the same hotel and she said er I , I used to book up in advance of course but never took a chance .
6 And then , and Tracey , who was outside the window , she looked at me and she started laughing , and I go ha ha right .
7 Princess Anne smiled at me as she went by , or Perhaps it was just my imagination .
8 She hurried , something jerky about her movements , a tittupping , agitated walk , glancing round at me as she moved across the foreground .
9 Encouraging me to follow in this way perhaps , but moving too fast for me to believe that she wanted me to do that , she entered a revolving door of dark polished wood , mahogany and glass , and started to go round and round , looking out at me as she turned .
10 ‘ I 'll leave you with young Hot-to-Trotsky here , then , ’ Clare says , patting Yvonne on the shoulder and winking at me as she sidles off through the cheering crowd .
11 She was a docile creature and merely looked round at me as she cropped the grass ; and her eyes were no longer sunken but bright and full .
12 Rachel bites her lip , and frowns at me as she hands over her chit .
13 Yes , I wish Rachel would look at me as she does at you . ’
14 ‘ You say that every time , ’ said Ilsa , winking at me as she pulled on white gloves : I 'll see you tomorrow and tell you everything ! ’
15 She did n't look at me as she came in , just walked straight up to the bar .
16 Thérèse was fishing out letters at random , glancing at them while she worked .
17 It was a good likeness of their mother and she was smiling at them but she did n't belong in the Evans 's house .
18 Donna had squinted at them as she 'd read .
19 ‘ The geese make much noise , ’ Marguerite remarked , frowning at them as she sped past .
20 While the water steamed from the taps , she busied herself at the long table beneath the bathroom mirror , lifting the lids from the various jars and sniffing at them until she found the one she was searching for .
21 I know you are funny sometimes , and some Bonnie just looks at you and she starts laughing and he has n't even said anything or something .
22 As he thought about it , creating the scene as it must have been , his father shouted at her that she was useless and silly .
23 Not that Dorothea minded their laughing at her but she felt protective towards her idea .
24 She realized that the child was smiling straight at her but she was too tired to engage with her , too detached to make contact , too hidden to do anything but take a photograph and her fingers felt too weak even to do this .
25 He continued smiling at her but she sensed a slight withdrawal .
26 The 27-year-old mother 's ordeal began when the kidnapper jumped out at her after she had parked her car at the top of a multi-storey at a shopping centre in Eastleigh , Hants .
27 And th , and the man was laughing at her cos she was putting everyone off their dinner .
28 Chasing after Julius in that oh , so subtle and ladylike way , looking down that elegant nose of hers at Jessamy because she did n't wear designer clothes or lead a sophisticated social life , silently sneering at her because she had lost Julius just as she , Eleanor , had always predicted she would .
29 I smiled smugly at her because she had to go into the rain and I did not .
30 He leered at her and she wanted to strike him .
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