Example sentences of "at [noun sg] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form is that it is just such another structure ; that the structural change lies in making labour the employer of capital rather than , as at present capital the employer of labour ; that such a change would fuse the interests of ownership and labour , interests which so long as they remain separate must also remain ultimately opposed ; and that , because relations among co-operatives and between producers and providers on the one hand , and consumers and users on the other would be determined by the operation of a free competitive market , the workers in each co-operative will be exposed to its imperative discipline .
2 Secondly , there is a progressive grading in the size of the material composing the beach from West Bay to Portland : at West Bay the shingle is small , about the size of a pea , and it increases progressively to the south-east until it reaches the size of one 's fist at the Portland end .
3 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
4 At recognition time the input is reduced in the same manner as the training database .
5 At Brigade H.Q the Brigade Major was just leaving as I arrived and there was no sign of Shimi Lovat .
6 At postgraduate level the Faculty offers an MA Fine Art , a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Arts , an Advanced Diploma in the History and Theory of Art and Design , and extensive opportunities for research studies .
7 At postgraduate level the Bucher and Fraser Scholarships provide opportunities for further research or for advanced studies in composition or performance .
8 At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions .
9 At 24 , he seems to be doing better at Test cricket the second time round !
10 That is why in a fortnight 's time we will have at Westminster and at Broadcasting House the first fully digital editing equipment for radio in Europe .
11 Llangollen Railway staff at work re-railing the breakdown crane and repairing the Permanent Way following the derailment at Glyndyfrdwy .
12 ( At drama school the full-time course will frequently require the student to work until 9 p.m. and later when productions are being mounted . )
13 ‘ Even at night time the chronic itching is no better and Graham has to wear a specially made sleep suit which covers his entire body , ’ says Kathleen .
14 At development time the root forms of each word in the lexicon has been determined utilising information from MRDs and manual checking of the unresolved words .
15 At ground level the nest-owner can make exaggerated movements away from the nest and draw the killer towards itself .
16 At ground level the street was lined with traditional little native shops , most of them carpenters , it seemed ; and as they came through the Tentmakers ' Bazaar , with its gay awnings and saddle-cloth and leather work , they saw ahead of them in the archway of the gate the gleam of the blue tiles of the tiny Dervish mosque .
17 At Chair Ladder The Rodent Laughs Last , E1 5b , goes up the arête right of Original Route and is , I presume , a riposte to Hysterical Hamsters .
18 Every year at harvest time the CIVC announces the price per kilo of grapes after consultation with the growers and négociants or houses .
19 Back at Folly Bridge the males are left in large all-male flocks .
20 Back at Cliff Top The Fat Controller was no longer in permanent residence .
21 At peak generation the Palaeozoic coal has generated approximately 40% of its cumulative hydrocarbon yield , while the Tertiary coal has generated 64% .
22 At man height the quire aisle is dark with thick arteries of shadow connecting every feature to its neighbour — steps , sepulchres , arches , screens all laced together and to the towering pillars by these black branches from which thick clots of blue and red hang like deadly , tempting fruit .
23 And at floor level the Revue sits on four skid feet .
24 For one thing , this new record hits you straight at gut level the first time .
25 Even at Novice level the difficulty of cross-country courses can vary widely — not so much in height as in variety of fences .
26 At corner Inn the ostlers were the only visible representatives , and the doors were still closed ; but at the village a number of the natives were astir , and came to a little stone pier where a boat 's crew were exchanging for the coin of the realm the sparkling treasure netted in the night season , and many of the lodgers would have the freshest of fresh herrings waiting them for breakfast .
27 Undoubtedly LEAs have reassessed their stance on accountability issues as a result of the Auld Report , but at school level the impact of the national debate seems to have been erratic .
28 At position M the weight of investment in security1 is zero ( i.e. ) and the investor has concentrated his investment solely in the market portfolio ( where the investor has only invested in I to the extent of the share 's capitalization compared to that of the market as a whole ) .
29 At breakfast time the general atmosphere among the residents was still subdued , but much less strained than the previous evening .
30 Last night at Elm Park the rain lashed down , the wind howled and the quest was for memories and money — and a goal .
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