Example sentences of "at first [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That it should have been modelled on the Temple of Solomon may seem at first sight presumptuous , but it was an age that relished allusion , and Solomon , son of David , was of royal descent , anointed by Zadok the priest , and the king par excellence .
2 The overestimation of estimated risk is at first sight surprising , both because the common assumption that an underestimation of true risk might be a major cause of road accidents ( e.g. Evans , 1991 , ‘ among the factors contributing to drivers ’ speed choice is a systematic underestimation of the probability that they will be killed ’ , p.152 ) and on the basis of previous research on the estimation of risks .
3 It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category .
4 This is surprising given the demanding nature of the potential category , and at first sight disappointing , since it casts no light on why the youngest children ( 57 per cent success ) do so much worse at the task than the older children ( 86 per cent success ) .
5 At first sight similar in size and shape to the academic article , it emerges on closer inspection as a very different animal to that often unlovely and cumbersome beast .
6 Although at first sight straightforward , there is a curious element of circularity in this definition .
7 At first sight all the tax is paid by the final purchaser .
8 It seems at first sight strange that in a disposition essentially formless so much time should be spent by the jurists on questions of wording .
9 At first sight these measures appear to be interestingly decentralist in the sense that they devolve power and responsibility to the local level .
10 At first sight these may seem rather disparate areas for the drawing of generalised conclusions .
11 Though at first sight these two demands seen strangely unrelated , they do in fact meet in the idea of God 's holiness .
12 At first sight these symbols look very formidable , but with a little practice they can be mastered and understood .
13 Although at first sight these three points apply only to overall policy development , in practice they apply at all levels , including individual branch development .
14 At first sight these bonds are not obvious for the surnames were numerous .
15 The books that follow this pattern are at first sight attractive , ideal for ‘ face-on ’ displays , and can even seem to have some serious purpose .
16 He submits that though the wording of section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 is at first sight difficult , there can be persons , for example , who have voluntarily agreed to abide by the rules of a recognised S.R.O .
17 It is at first sight difficult to account for the anomalous position of Birmingham , which has a rather high productivity score , but whose proportion of first papers in the core journal set is low .
18 The ‘ heavies ’ all carried more or less the same picture of a statuesque blonde , at first sight naked , standing on the rostrum , her arm outstretched in the direction of Sir Charles Webb-Bowen , whose incredulous , even leery expression , was later to be the cause of much hilarity .
19 The reason that Schrödinger 's and Heisenberg 's versions of quantum mechanics had seemed at first sight different from each other ( see p. 14 ) was that they had chosen to use contrasting extreme possibilities .
20 On a purely aesthetic level , one is frequently haunted by his ( at first sight paradoxical ) defence of Milton 's preference far Hebrew over Greek lyrics .
21 At first sight this might not seem to be a serious problem ; one thing stands for others if it is used or taken as representing them .
22 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
23 At first sight this may seem so for Locke too .
24 At first sight this seems to defy common sense , but the point is easily made with reference to whales .
25 At first sight this was a very promising substance indeed .
26 At first sight this might all look very technical , but it is really fairly simple , and an understanding of the theory of how a board works will help you to progress beyond a beginner 's level .
27 At first sight this is another version of the doom and gloom story .
28 At first sight this energy seems sufficient to produce ‘ free ’ W particles copiously .
29 At first sight this option seems the political equivalent of the status quo with low-level waste .
30 At first sight this appears as a simple conflict of competing demands upon a given quantity of surplus-value .
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