Example sentences of "he went [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He went down the airless corridor to his Boss 's office , said hello to the secretary , and walked into the large oak-panelled room which was as big as the lobby of many a sizeable hotel .
2 He went down the stairs like a flying shadow , and rushed through the passage .
3 He went down the corridor that led off the central area .
4 He went down the road to the junction to look for a taxi .
5 He went down the steps and through the little brick alley .
6 He went down the stairs and was stopped at the sound of voices .
7 He went down the stairs , and she stood at the top of them screaming .
8 So he went down the steps to Piccadilly Underground station and bought a ticket for Tower Hill .
9 He went down the stairs .
10 He went down the stairs , holding tight to the bannisters and swaying slightly .
11 She stood on the landing , watching him as he went down the stairs and out by the side door .
12 The following evening he went to a different wine bar and bought drinks for two different young women .
13 True , he went to a lot of trouble to make his performance as authentic as possible ( 'he wo n't be satisfied till he 's assassinated , ’ friends used to say ) , but in the end what we see is still Massey , not Lincoln .
14 Born in 1909 in New York City to parents who were members of the Ethical Society , he went to a school run by the Society where , under distinguished teachers , he ended up with little knowledge of even how to write correctly .
15 At some allotments he went to a shed , with Harry following .
16 He went to a meeting with the party caucus .
17 He went to a local pub in the mining village where he was staying to drown his sorrows and found himself sitting next to a stranger who remarked on his dejected demeanour .
18 He went to a Jesuit school , served as an altar boy ( as did his future enemies the Snowman and the Falcon , both now doing time for espionage against the United States ) , and read law at Fordham .
19 A few minutes later he went to a room on the first floor to take a blood test .
20 He went to a qualified medical practitioner for his first experience in 1963 and , according to himself , became one of the first people in the country to take the drug .
21 The fact is that he went to a race meeting at Silverstone in 1965 and decided right then and there that what he wanted most was to be a racing driver .
22 Then he went to a huge formal dinner .
23 This week when he went to a Christian Rave in a paper hat he looked more like Elton John than the primate of all England .
24 After a day of unsuccessful auditions , he went to a Barnsley nightclub , saw Lynne and knew at once this was the woman he wanted .
25 He went to a good local school , where at 16 he put together a weekly ‘ radio ’ programme on the loudspeakers , and then read International Politics at the University of the West Indies before moving into local radio and TV .
26 He went to a party after his mother collapsed at their home in West London and even invited two school pals to stay .
27 He was up for a western , and he had the long hair , but after school he went to a barber and had his head shaved .
28 One CSE Grade 1 is all he could muster from school , so , fired by the grim prospect of a factory job , he went to a college of further education where he gained four ‘ O ’ levels after a year and then took a job at a wholesale jewellers , where they were n't too optimistic about his chances of promotion .
29 At fourteen he went to a Roman Catholic seminary to study for the priesthood .
30 Perhaps when he 's with other people he pretends he went to a posher school — Eton or something .
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