Example sentences of "he never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What right did they have , that lot , getting you to think about how bloody life was , sitting in this poky flat with Ted always so tired he never played with Frieda or talked to herself and fell asleep straight after having it off .
2 He never played in a Test again and was to retire three years later .
3 He never played in the same pub twice in the same month ; even so , word got around among the regulars .
4 As for the boy , well , he never lived with his father , never saw him , and Pietr refused ever to see the child .
5 He never lived in Eaton Square again .
6 His real name is Bruce but he never answers to it . ’
7 He never thinks of himself these days .
8 He 'd missed out on all that because of the war , and he never tired of dropping references to ‘ noughth week ’ and ‘ encaenia ’ and ‘ schools ’ and May Balls .
9 As a man of action — as he never tired of telling people — he had stuck his multi-million-pound Granny Bond idea together on the back of an envelope in a couple of hours after the introduction of Budget changes which made it possible .
10 ‘ Progressive ’ educational sentiments also provided important elements in Baden-Powell 's Boy Scout philosophy , and he never tired of criticising what he saw as the dulling conformity and uninspired education provided by the State .
11 As chairman of the Slovak Social Democratic Party in Czechoslovakia 's eastern region , he never tired of fighting for a common state of Czechs and Slovaks .
12 He had done well for himself Yet he never escaped from Aldeborough in the spirit , and it was the making of him as a poet .
13 She knew that her father had two sisters , although he never kept in touch with them .
14 At first I was doubtful about taking him , for he did not look strong ; but the Sandfords assured us that he had stood up to several long treks with them , invariably producing good meals even under the most unfavourable conditions , that he never interfered with other people , and was always ready to lend a hand at any job .
15 He could have slain people with his questioning , except that he never listened to the answers .
16 His wife had explained the situation to him , but he never listened to what he called women 's gossip .
17 He never listened to radio news in the mornings , and in the evenings he usually turned his chair away from the television set , so that he could read .
18 He told me that before I had come to live with him he never listened to the radio for fear of hearing a song she had liked to sing or a piece of piano music she used to play .
19 She was bored and angry with Conway , because he thought he understood everything and he never listened to other people .
20 By looking for faults in his behaviour , by constantly diminishing him with little criticisms — he neglected their boy ( at school in Randung ) , he was cold , he was selfish , he was an inadequate and clumsy lover ( did she dare ) , he never listened to other people , he had no sense of direction because he was always getting her lost in foreign capitals — she made him feel a kind of leper , different from and inferior to the run of men .
21 But he never succumbs to what Max Scheler termed ressentiment — that mixture of resentment and anger and injured pride that destroys so many , even if it were present in earlier years .
22 So he never gets over it does he ?
23 Anyway he never walked from P'nzance , not like he was .
24 Is not it a fact that he never learns from experience ?
25 he never go near him .
26 After all , up to a few hours ago , he never knew of my existence . ’
27 So , as Harriet Ryley reports , he never knew of , and was never honoured for the vital role his plane played in the Second World War .
28 It was just a holiday romance really ; he never knew about you , you know , never had any idea .
29 But RJ Mitchell 's early death from cancer at the age of 42 in 1937 meant he never knew about the vital role the Spitfire played in his country 's defence .
30 But I say that , they 've got no right to just change your , your name over , I mean , basically , really and truthfully when we got this place Rudy were n't on , on , he never signed on on nothing
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