Example sentences of "he could do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he thought he could do without the high-interest assistance of French or Swiss bankers .
2 I do n't know what Tod makes of them , except that his glands tell me he could do without any special attention , or any attention at all .
3 Jed had made his selection ; three toys stood out on their own in the middle of the floor , these being the ones that he reckoned he could do without .
4 He was tired and there was little else he could do without alarming them .
5 He could do without drink .
6 He 'd started by thinking he could do without a chauffeur .
7 The Malcolms he could do without .
8 He 's er he could do without this then !
9 It was the best he could do at short notice .
10 He had even suppressed , as he could do at will , the brightness of his amber eyes .
11 ‘ There was n't a thing he could do at the time , but he 's got his eye on them . ’
12 He thought he had probably broken it , but there was little he could do at this time of night .
13 Least he could do for me . ’
14 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
15 If so , there was nothing he could do for the moment .
16 The doctor felt there was nothing more he could do for me .
17 When they had been in the chemist 's buying shampoo , Mr Kennedy had asked what he could do for the two young ladies and they had been pleased .
18 He could do for us all .
19 The doctor arrived and after examining me pronounced that I had some sort of mystery virus , and there was nothing he could do for me .
20 There was nothing he could do for her now or in the future .
21 You know that he stopped by the villa every day asking what he could do for me , offering lifts , bringing books , staying to talk .
22 His grandfather had been sent to the stars in 1912 , when they still knew how to raise megaliths " the old-fashioned way " , which Ranteallo ruefully confessed to us was damn well more than he could do for his father now .
23 He would see what he could do for her .
24 I said that the best thing he could do for the whites was to demonstrate to the blacks that they fully supported the widest possible franchise , and that if he did that he would emerge as a statesman , with a statesman 's view of his responsibilities .
25 All he could do for the moment was to stand in the doorway and look about him .
26 ‘ In despair , Rol asked them what he could do for his people except lead them in the killing of others in the land .
27 He had not expected it of her and wished he could have gone away quickly without even asking if there was anything he could do for her .
28 Norman Wisdom was snapped by up Rank after he had proved what he could do on TV , and the cosy cop series Dixon of Dock Green ( 1955–76 ) was clearly a lineal descendant of Ealing 's The Blue Lamp .
29 I felt the pathos of this remark , as all he could do on the banjo was strum ‘ plunk plunk plunk ’ over and over again .
30 He reminded himself of the details and exulted as he saw what he could do with it .
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