Example sentences of "he can do [is] " in BNC.

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1 Having perfected this petulant stance , all he can do is reiterate it — with a self-deprecating acknowledgement of the onset of self-parody : ‘ Stop Me if You Think You 've Heard This One Before ’ , ‘ Sweet and Tender Hooligan ’ , where the chorus is simply ‘ et cetera , et cetera ’ …
2 What he can do is to say that the legal owner can not in conscience , in equity , make use of his Common Law right for his own benefit ; he must use it for the benefit of the man for whom he holds it in trust .
3 All he can do is resort to his native cunning and to prayer .
4 And the worst thing he can do is follow their advice .
5 All he can do is moan with pain .
6 The least he can do is respond immediately with a carefully worded personal letter .
7 The least he can do is buy us a decent lunch . ’
8 It turns out that the best he can do is to form his expectation of and in accordance with the following formulae : where
9 What he can do is instill a sense of purpose and energy that 's been missing for years .
10 what he can do is have something when he gets up , rather than the old
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