Example sentences of "he would [vb infin] on " in BNC.

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1 He would welcome the earl 's promised offering gladly , and withdraw in good order to his own monastery , though what he would visit on Tutilo when he got him safely back there might be dreadful to think of .
2 Sunday Life contacted the Northern Ireland Office and asked if Sir John he would comment on his personal financial losses .
3 This Sunday morning , as he broke a piece from the bagel to pronounce over it the Grace Before Meals , there was a special fervour in his voice , his blue eyes were full of love and good humour , and he refused room in his heart for the sorrow he knew he would feel on leaving his family .
4 Frequently he would stop on his walk around the teams on a Sunday , and at least on one occasion he advised me to break from the scrum more often ( in those days airmen scrum-halfs played to orders ) .
5 Nigel assumed that he would lay on dinner .
6 Agreeing the case was arguable , the judge told Mr Pannick he would rely on him very carefully to consider whatever documents came from the Government , not represented in court yesterday , when considering whether to continue pursuing the challenge .
7 He would remain on the sidelines , and do some more work if and when they were ready to launch the paper .
8 It was to ensure that throughout the years that lay ahead he would remain on the road .
9 Announcing his forthcoming retirement in 1988 , he had made it clear that he would remain on hand to step in if necessary .
10 Afterwards Jacques Poos , the Luxembourg Foreign Minister , declared that President Gorbachev said that " he would continue on the path to reform even if he sometimes had to take a detour " .
11 He had everything to live for really , he would manage on the money his mean father allowed him .
12 There was a lunatic called Mirabeau in the Rouen asylum who was popular with doctors and medical students at the Hôtel-Dieu because of a particular talent : in exchange for a cup of coffee he would copulate on the dissecting table with a female corpse .
13 Mike wished to God that when Adam went to the south of France , he would stay on the beach like everyone else .
14 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
15 When the weather was too rough for a good shot , or for Gould to be lowered in a boat to collect his prize , he would stand on deck and fish for his birds with a hook and line .
16 Quite often he would draw on his genealogical expertise .
17 Always popular with older Jamaican audiences , from time to time he would perform on ‘ revival nights ’ , still giving a stirring performance on classics like ‘ Come Softly To Me ’ and ‘ Keep On Running ’ .
18 Big Cassie was telling me a story about a couple of riveters that worked together , a family , brothers or cousins or something , and er she says that the guy was a riveter , he used to Maybe if the guy was on the inside holding , on the riveter on the outside this I 'm sure she said they were brothers , he would shout one of them from outside you know , shout his name and the boy would look through the hole you know , and he 's he would spit on him he would spit through the hole .
19 He could — and would - visit a revolution , be it political and national , or merely student ; he would reflect on it , but he would never get ‘ involved ’ in it , be it Cuban , Ethiopian , Greek or Polish .
20 Taking a carpet needle or a dentist 's pick he would sit on the stones for hours at a time prising small fossils from particles of rock he instinctively knew concealed them .
21 In the evenings he would sit on his bed beating old tins into strange shapes with a hammer .
22 Never using notes , he would sit on a table swinging his legs , his long underpants showing between his trousers and boots , or perch on a chair at an angle so perilous that disaster threatened .
23 Friends remarked that it was a measure of Branson 's single-minded approach to conversation that you could be regaling him with the most scandalous piece of tittle-tattle in London and he would turn on his heel and walk away , leaving you talking to thin air , while he made yet another telephone call about business .
24 Eventually he built up a collection of bells which he played in time to the tunes he would play on his harmonium .
25 He would act on your behalf to the chief constable .
26 When he had finished his meal , when he had collected his guard from the hard chair by the entrance , then he would stride back to the Haifa Street Housing Project , and he would chew on the pistachio nuts that were loose in his trouser pocket , and he would write to his mother .
27 He would call on some farms and others would bring what they had to sell down to Low Birk Hatt .
28 Antonio Navarro Wolff , president of the April 19 Movement Democratic Alliance ( AD/M-19 ) , announced on May 21 that he would call on the government to hold a plebiscite on whether an amnesty should be granted to former M-19 guerrillas who had participated in an assault on the Palace of Justice in the capital , Bogotá , on Nov. 6-7 , 1985 , during which 106 people were killed [ see pp. 34152-53 ; 34804-05 ] .
29 Mr Amato said he would call on parliament to ‘ reaffirm the confidence ’ in his eight-month-old government .
30 Gordon Lind , chairman of Monklands West Conservatives , claimed that Monklands had misused public funds in its pursuit of the paper and he said he would call on the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , and the local government Controller of Audit to investigate .
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