Example sentences of "he would [vb infin] about " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the lunch , Branson said in a faltering voice that there was something he had been thinking of doing , and he wanted to ask Laker how he would feel about it .
2 Asked last year what he would do about the loss of his top stars , Grigorovich said defiantly : ‘ If the stars leave we will bring up another generation , and when they go , we will bring up another . ’
3 Across the road in Parliament in the late sixties , as Wilson , Castle and Crossman wore themselves out in the cause , as they saw it , of a more modern and socially just Britain , there sat in the Leader of the Opposition 's office a man who not only shared the Jenkins view of workload but was planning exactly what he would do about it if the electorate gave him his chance .
4 The hon. Gentleman — a Scottish Member — refused to take the opportunity to tell us what he would do about his Scottish problem at Ravenscraig , but he has views about the west midlands .
5 Into extreme old age he would lecture about Temple 's mind in words rendered all the more penetrating by the obvious gratitude which the memory brought .
6 He was full of idealism about what this post offered in terms of opportunity , and over the odd whisky in his pub of the moment , he would talk about what art education could be and should be .
7 ‘ Frank would be having a conversation with someone , ’ said Allen , ‘ and , halfway through , he would talk about something that had absolutely nothing to do with it . ’
8 Time and again he would talk about Gordon , but only respectfully . ’
9 ‘ I remember during One Over The Eight , ’ said Lance Percival , ‘ he was reading about the French Revolution and that 's all he would talk about . ’
10 He would complain as loudly as he would in the midst of a ‘ Carry On ’ situation , and he would talk about it endlessly , but he would do it .
11 In the studio , he would talk about people in the show , ‘ being very brutal , ’ said Pertwee .
12 But by the latter part of the 1970s he experienced an irresistible urge to return to the private sector and he had a very clear idea of how he would go about it .
13 He would type about a sentence , slowly and painfully ; then would come a swift , angry machine-gun rattle of repeated x's , followed by a long , long pause during which I found myself holding my breath , my mind forming wordless prayers .
14 So after that I just lay there and let him do what he wanted and he would complain about that too .
15 He would think about what his mother always used to call ‘ nice things ’ .
16 He told Drennan and Father Devlin he would think about it .
17 But Jack knew that he would think about nothing but Ken all day .
18 He would think about it and understand and he would come after her …
19 Perhaps , though , it was because of his promise that he would think about it , that she saw that as a favourable hope .
20 So OK , without too much effort she had offended Ven Gajdusek , it seemed , but he most definitely had said he would think about giving her the interview !
21 Later that day he drew a note of credit on an obliging Mr Crump for fifty pounds , explaining that his brother , ‘ The Earl ’ , and himself were re-organising their banking arrangements , he would understand about these matters , certain they did these things better in Liverpool , great embarrassment .
22 A lot of these quirky observations are made by Buffy , whose ex-wives often find themselves imagining what he would say about events .
23 Exhausted but high on adrenalin , he would roam about the house unable to sleep .
24 After he got home to Scotland he would write about Elsie , perhaps not just for the paper but for himself too .
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