Example sentences of "he would [be] a " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Quiet Revolution ’ which was beginning to take place in Canada was now seizing Leonard himself ; he would be a poet-writer , and be would find a place for his music alongside it .
2 ( Notice the change which the Durham professorship , and Joan 's coming , wrought — in 1940 no one could conceive of this absent-minded man as a bishop , and six or seven years later the electors to the see of Edinburgh mulled over his name and decided that it would not do , and five years after that both archbishops and the prime minister 's office were agreed that he would be a very good bishop . )
3 He would be a traitor to his cause if he sold the pass now .
4 The birth of a son was welcomed now for traditional reasons ( for example , among Hindus the son plays an essential part in the cremation ceremony ) and because he would bring home a vast dowry when he married , but no longer so much because he would be a new worker for the joint family .
5 Burden left him contemplating the printed tea cloth as if , were it possible to transmute it to paper , reduce its size and multiply it manifold , he would be a happy man .
6 He would be a university lecturer , responsible far lecturing perhaps once a week ; a Fellow of Magdalen , involved in the administration of the College ; and , perhaps most importantly , a college tutor .
7 Even then I doubt if he would be a threat to Morley Street .
8 Unused to the rough and ready answering-back of British socialism , he remarked next day that if he lived in Britain he would be a Tory .
9 He would be a man — therefore probably a beast .
10 ‘ I felt after he won the Mandarin Chase at Newbury in 1990 that he would be a Gold Cup horse , but after he was beaten in the Gold Cup then I thought that the Grand National was his race , ’ Adams said .
11 Kinnock may have failed in this election ultimately because he could not convince the country that he would be a truly national leader .
12 Soon , he would be a political insider .
13 My son 's son , Hector Mac Lachlan Mac Eachuinn , is a fine lad , strong and brave , learned and thoughtful beyond his years ; he would be a great chief .
14 Throughout his successful career in which he won 24 Scottish caps , Macari was pursued by a cruel terracing joke ; if he could pass the bookies as well as he passes a ball he would be a millionaire in ten years .
15 Give a Lewisach a tiny corner of one of these great fields and he would be a cattle baron .
16 Sir , — When Malcolm Rifkind was made Minister of Transport I wrote a letter to him congratulating him on his appointment , expressing the hope that he would be a success in his job and asking him to instruct his Civil Servants to concentrate their efforts more on the railways of this country rather than on the roads .
17 Gould deserves great credit for opening this window ; despite the talk of a ‘ nightmare ticket ’ , he would be a useful counterpoint to Smith .
18 BAY City Rollers singer Les McKeown , who was penniless at the start of the year , predicted yesterday that he would be a millionaire by 1996 .
19 However , he would be a perfect recruit for Arsenal , whose season has ground to a halt since they led the Premier League in early November .
20 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
21 He would be a fearsome opponent .
22 It seems Cantona believed he would be a permanent fixture in the side this season after his supporting role helped inspire Leeds to the Championship during the last campaign .
23 He threw himself down on the bed with his head on my stomach , groaning , and between the groans saying that he would be a good husband in future , he honestly would , he adored me , he was very ashamed and only hoped I could forgive him .
24 Then he would be a real Marine , and one day — he assured himself — an officer of Marines , maybe even ( could he dream so sublimely ? ) a Commander .
25 He would be a grown man now .
26 I said that soon he would be in the Air Force and no longer a financial burden on Elfed , and , even more than that , when the war was over he would be a wage-earner at something or other , and would be able to help Elfed and Cis ; what was more , Elfed would be already well aware that the liability he resented would become an asset he welcomed .
27 The duel could also help a career ; if this young French Lieutenant could take Sharpe 's horse and weapons back to his battalion he would be a hero .
28 Once the uniforms had told their version in the canteen , he would be a laughing stock .
29 He would be a fine choice , giving the GATT job a higher political profile .
30 Then , on the third day , he would be a guest at a trade fair held in New Jersey .
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