Example sentences of "he had be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The letter-writer is an orthopaedic surgeon who was taken off a plane as he was about to make a short visit to the UK where he had been a post-graduate student .
2 Young Donald — his eyes were clear black-brown , like a lochan stained with peat , his hair was curly like a bull 's poll , and he had been a lovely lad until his father went away , clever with his hands , whittling pieces of wood and glueing them to make little windmills and watermills .
3 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
4 It further alleged that he had been a ‘ fifth columnist ’ working for the Army in west Belfast in the 1970s , and had been given immunity by the RUC to carry a gun and carry out robberies .
5 By pre-arrangement the debate was limited to foreign and defence matters , which Mr Ford considered his strong suit because he had been a congressman and a vice-president while his opponent , Jimmy Carter , had been a mere governor of Georgia and a peanut farmer .
6 He had been a trade-union official , in a white-collar civil-service union , in his young days , and he regarded as sacrosanct maintaining the liaison between unions and party at all costs .
7 She won one victory in January 1981 when a palpable ‘ wet ’ , Norman St John-Stevas , was removed as Leader of the House ( where he had been a conspicuous success ) , while younger men like Leon Brittan and Kenneth Baker were promoted , the latter having been one of Heath 's campaign managers in 1975 .
8 Pearce 's switch to British Aerospace was helped by the fact that he had been a non-executive director of the aerospace company for three years prior to the move .
9 He had been a widower for many years , she knew .
10 She felt disturbed ; thinking of the gleaming Karl with his polished manners and mannered poise , and of how once he had been a boy .
11 He had been a friend of Lawrence of Arabia ; he knew Ottoline Morrell , at whose house Garsington Manor he had met Virginia Woolf , Bertrand Russell and D. H. Lawrence , among others .
12 Though indeed he had been a civil servant , Chambers was one of the foremost literary scholars in England .
13 He had been a cheerful fellow in those days and life was as inconsequential as a laugh on the wind or the carelessly squandered words of a song .
14 ‘ I just do n't want an apartheid government in Namibia , ’ said Naftali Herunga , who confided that he had been a soldier , serving in 102 Battalion — an ethnic Herero unit — under the South Africans .
15 But a shop assistant in the elite government village where Mr Krenz also lived , told local television he had been a regular customer in the supermarket supplying top officials with luxury goods .
16 But a shop assistant in the elite government village where Mr Krenz also lived , told local television he had been a regular customer in the supermarket supplying top officials with luxury goods .
17 But a shop assistant in the elite government village where Mr Krenz also lived , told local television he had been a regular customer in the supermarket supplying top officials with luxury goods .
18 By then , he had been a Recorder for ten years and had become a QC in 1974 , continuing in active practice until January 1985 , since when Sir Anthony — he was knighted last year — has acted as both Ombudsman and Health Service Commissioner .
19 He had been a student of D.J .
20 He had been a very successful amateur boxer , and sometimes would try to relieve our tension by sparring with me , teaching me basic moves of a sport I knew nothing about and instinctively detested .
21 I had a letter about him from the Amalgamated Society of Joiners and Carpenters , of which he had been a prominent member .
22 Dickey had rebelled against his black clothes , until he was told that it would be naughty to mamma not to put them on , when he at once submitted ; and now , though he had heard Nanny say that mamma was in heaven , he had a vague notion that she would come home again tomorrow , and say that he had been a good boy and let him empty her workbox . ’
23 Looking back , he thought he had been a little bit crazy , last night .
24 He had been a fool to get himself so worked up .
25 An Irish Catholic , raised in New York , he had been a gung-ho member of the OSS during the second world war .
26 He had been a prosecutor for eight years . ’
27 When he testified , he had already been characterized as Batman , and Superman and , most frequently , Rambo ( but ‘ a Rambo with all his clothes on ’ , as The Spectator put it ) ; he had been a composite Clint Eastwood type , part-lonesome cowboy , part Dirty Harry ; he had been James Bond and James Dean , ‘ the rebel with a cause ’ .
28 Asked if he had been a child prodigy , he would answer : ‘ Yes I was — and I still am . ’
29 SIR JOSEPH BURKE , who has died aged 78 , was Professor of Fine Arts at Melbourne University for more than three decades , before which he had been a member of Attlee 's secretariat at 10 Downing Street .
30 Before the Dewhurst Stakes , you felt sorry for his opponents and if he had been a man coming into a room for the first time , the rest of us would have looked round anxiously to see our wives ' reaction .
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