Example sentences of "he was in this " in BNC.

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1 And he was in this mood when disaster struck .
2 But when he was in this mood , fear came .
3 Richard was small and skinny for his age , part of the reason he was in this mess .
4 Fortunately for him , but more so for this kingdom , he was in this country at the onset of the Revolution and the destruction of the Bastille .
5 ‘ But he was in this one ? ’
6 Well aware that it was a game to Richard — a pretence with which to pass the empty hours — and that it was to Anne , rather than Joan , he was in this instance referring , such comments never failed to annoy Edward — as Richard was well aware .
7 It was while he was in this low state , and working hard to complete The Magic Flute , under Schikaneder 's constant pressure , that another disquieting commission arrived .
8 He was in this production of In Parenthesis and Burton has described a highlight from Thomas 's performance .
9 He became Minister for the Arts in July 1990 and although he was in this post only a few months , he made a distinct mark .
10 He was in this predicament by February 1615 when his letter to Castelli ( which in expanded form became the letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ) was examined by the Inquisition in Rome .
11 But it must not be thought that he was in this alone in his society : there were others also who were not .
12 He was in this library , lolling back in a chair by the hearth .
13 They had not told him they were not going back to Antibes and she saw no point in trying to talk to him about Maurin or Sabine Jourdain or Barbara Coleman while he was in this state .
14 ‘ Where did your son sit when he was in this room ? ’
15 Ianthe never knew how to talk to him when he was in this sort of mood .
16 With a mental shrug she tried to ensure she kept up , knowing that nothing irritated him more than to be kept waiting even a second when he was in this mood .
17 He was in this office a fortnight ago saying that it was about time as his father was getting on and one never knew , et cetera et cetera …
18 When he was in this mood , it was mysteriously hard to resist Guy Sterne .
19 He was in this room .
20 Yeah , he was in this morning .
21 Well , he was in this pen and I was sort of behind him
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