Example sentences of "he is say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A most curious-looking young man with a mobile white face and small red-rimmed eyes ; he is said to be very clever as well as deeply religious .
2 In addition to his political and military achievements , Barbarossa acquired a legendary fame ; like the British King Arthur , he is said to be sleeping , awaiting the time of greatest need for his return as a national saviour .
3 Gordon Brown , who has been squeezed out of the leadership race by Smith ( although he is said to be consoled by the fact that he is ten years younger and can wait a generation ) will have an important contribution to make .
4 He is said to be hyperactive by the nursery staff and seems to show some bizarre behaviour .
5 Subjective comments about John : ‘ He is said to be hyperactive and seems to show bizarre behaviour ’ ( lines 8 and 9 ) .
6 He is said to be devastated at having to dispose of the famous art works and family silver and furniture .
7 In the meanwhile , he is said to be hurt and shocked by the hostility of the reaction to the strategy proposals .
8 He is said to be particularly strong on heritage .
9 The quiet life obviously palled : he is said to be making a comeback .
10 And James Herbert , another of Hodder 's biggest selling authors , is rumoured to be going the same way : he is said to be on the point of signing a two-book deal with HarperCollins worth £1.7m .
11 ‘ He suffered a stroke , but I believe he is said to be recovering . ’
12 He is said to be blaming ‘ Unionists ’ intransigence ’ for creating an atmosphere of hopelessness in City Hall .
13 He is said to be aged between 29-30 , around 6ft tall and of slim build with a thin face , dark eyebrows , narrow eyes and long narrow nose .
14 He is said to be in a critical condition .
15 He is said by reliable sources to be negotiating with both the US and Iran for compensation to give up the business , playing one nation off against the other .
16 Although the speaker is obviously not denying the fact that the Senate dared to criticize the National Film Board in this use , he is saying on the other hand that he would not have thought it possible for Senators to dare to do such a thing , given the sacrosanct character of the media .
17 A third says : ‘ I love to read a few words of the Gospel , so that I can see Christ and listen to what He is saying to me . ’
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