Example sentences of "he is of the " in BNC.

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1 He is of the opinion that Mr Prescott has probably given wide broadcast of these questions . ’
2 Entre la vie et la mort ( 1968 ) depicts the drama of a writer 's struggle with language and the processes of creation , aware as he is of the potentially enslaving power of words .
3 Indeed , he is of the opinion that entertaining people with his ‘ music ’ is even more satisfying than experiencing carnal relations .
4 For him it meant a brief wait until he was of the appropriate age of 21 , in December 1807 ; barely a month later he was off to Doctors ' Commons in St Paul 's Churchyard to sign an allegation ‘ … that he is of the Parish of All Hallows , Barking , London , a bachelor … ’ and ‘ … that there is no lawful impediment … ’ before being issued with a licence by the Archbishop of Canterbury 's Faculty Office .
5 Do you mean he represents a Lebanese faction like Islamic Jihad or that he is of the Hezbollah , the Party of God ? ’
6 Do n't be put off by old ‘ Crazy Horse ’ Emlyn — he is of the high-pitched voice and cheesy grin .
7 Because he is of the establishment — yet , like Greene , he operates on the margins ; because he is outwardly well presented and benign yet at the same time frequently boiling with rage ; because he writes a crystalline yet subtly dandified prose which does n't give up secrets easily .
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