Example sentences of "he and [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He and we are following them .
2 What he and we were curious about in turn was the present and future fate of the Czech rather than the British cinema .
3 A man like Mr Silvester Horne is regarded by his congregation with feelings of almost unmeasured adoration , due to the fact that he and they are really opening the book of life for the first time together and comparing impressions .
4 Tawney 's argument placed ‘ the world of Labour ’ explicitly before his audience , at a time when he and they were concerned about the WEA 's drift towards the middle class — a drift that any radical , like Tawney , would have regarded as an unqualified loss , an opting for the ‘ line of least resistance ’ .
5 He realized they were no different from him : he and they were all people walking on the dusty road which ends in death .
6 but anyhow it , well they , they were there and he bought the pub did n't he and they were moving on the Saturday and he came on the Saturday morning and he cried take the furniture to pieces , some of the furniture , the wardrobes and there was a dining room table that they could n't get into the pub , could I dismantle them and re-assemble them again and that was the first time I 'd ever met him were n't I ?
7 and we went in and like the vicar greets you at the door do n't he and she was like up to the vicar like , you know , she 's more fucking heavier than thou
8 He and she were similar but he had a natural goodness which she lacked , and she did not want to claim aloud that she understood him because that , in itself , would lead to misunderstanding .
9 You know , and he and you 're hiding .
10 the other review is really good , just as good as yours and he and you are saying very much the same things .
11 So he and I are happy .
12 Now both he and I are aware that this is far from orthodox .
13 At the moment he and I are working on a scheme which could wreck this political organisation for good .
14 He and I are always spending time together but we are not romantically inclined , ’ she said .
15 And anyway , he and I are sort of mates .
16 ‘ If you know where Craig is you must tell me , do n't you understand , he and I are going to be married , I must see him . ’
17 ‘ Yury Vladimirovich is my closest friend , he and I are like two brothers , we used to play football together when we were little .
18 I will not feel responsible , aligned or guilty simply because he and I are both men .
19 He will know that there is a temptation in that lesser assembly to emulate the topics and methods of procedure of the greater assembly of which he and I are Members .
20 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
21 The gas fire I have formed a really deep and meaningful relationship with Andy at Anglia Gas he 's been back and forth to my house , I know all about the fact that he has n't got a girlfriend and his mother is a marvellous cook and that Worlingworth is a bit off the map he and I are buddies , dear !
22 As far as he and I are concerned it 's just a number .
23 I belonged to that great multitude who could n't help liking Dick Crossman : he and I were always nice to one another , right to the day in 1974 shortly before his death when he came to the Birmingham Bull Ring in acute physical discomfort to hear me advise my fellow-electors to vote Labour if they wanted out of the Common Market .
24 But of course , five years difference meant that he and I were not relating as equals until I was about sixteen , and then the war separated us .
25 Under the bishop 's plan he and I were to change places , and while I was on furlough he was to keep both jobs going , and I would do the same on my return .
26 During the critical weeks of growing unrest and public strike , he and I were in daily touch , trying to understand the situation and see what could be done to solve the difficulties .
27 He and I were of course aware that we were making two assumptions which were obviously incorrect .
28 I told General Francis this in one of the quiet intervals when he and I were alone with his sleeping son .
29 ‘ Did you know that he and I were at school together ? ’
30 One day in 1964 , while Richard was playing in Hamlet on Broadway , he and I were interviewed jointly in a private corner of an Eighth Avenue bar and restaurant much frequented by theatre people .
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