Example sentences of "he also [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He also devised new menus .
2 He also read much else , for example a lot of Newman 's sermons .
3 He also wore uniform but explained that he only held an honorary rank .
4 He also wore steel-rimmed spectacles , possibly without glass .
5 He also consigned three paintings to Sotheby 's 17 November New York contemporary sale all of which failed to sell .
6 He also perceived that monotony could be relieved by transposition of material , a foreshadowing of the key-schemes that would be possible when modality had given way to tonality .
7 An important step in establishing this was taken by Einstein in 1905 ( that amazing year in which , while working at the patent office in Berne , he also invented special relativity and explained Brownian motion ) .
8 He also renounced chemical and biological weapons .
9 Please can you tell me the name of the director , because he also directed Such Good Friends , and I have n't been able to remember his name ? "
10 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
11 We all know that Henry accumulated six wives ; he also collected 55 palaces , some 2,000 pieces of tapestry , 94 swords and 40 girdles .
12 He also collected natural history curiosities and plants before the appointment ended with the Duke 's death .
13 It has to be said that he also invoked this oath against his barons when it suited him to do so , as in 1301 : it served against the laity no less than against the clergy .
14 He also admitted that party membership had fallen by 4,200,000 in the previous 18 months to 15,000,000 — the level of 1973 .
15 He also admitted two other robberies and one attempted robbery .
16 He also admitted other charges of dishonestly handling a stolen ring and theft of a car .
17 He also feels bitter towards Joanna for putting him through so much : ‘ In one respect I feel sorry for her .
18 He also said disabled shoppers had complained to him over access problems .
19 He also said this kind of feeling is why he wants to stay in football as long as possible .
20 He also said senior ranks would be employed on fixed term contracts , and their pay would be performance related .
21 He also said 43-year-old Sarfraz revealed the secrets of Pakistan 's reverse swing to him 12 years ago .
22 He also made sure that all players were kept informed of decisions about team selection , which had not always happened before .
23 He also made sure they did n't go anywhere near Evelyn or Rose whom he took to be troublemakers .
24 He also made sure that the servants had a generous amount of beer , too .
25 He also made much of its cost-effectiveness , especially as an instrument with which to earn influence in Nato and in future East–West arms talks , quite apart from the military impression it might make on the USSR .
26 He also made dark references to drink .
27 While he was staying at Princeton he went down to Washington — he had to give a lecture at the Library of Congress , and wanted to see his cousin , Martha , there as well as Ezra Pound ; he also made two or three trips to Cambridge to visit his family .
28 It was he who advised Henry to try to break the unanimity of the English bishops ; he also made six trips to the papal court at Sens to persuade Alexander to confirm the Constitutions of Clarendon .
29 He also made clear his misgivings at the attempts to rush the decision .
30 However , he also made clear his own personal doubts on this solution .
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