Example sentences of "he feel [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What did he feel for her ?
2 No matter what the young man is , he feels for her and she for him . ’
3 He feels for it on the roof .
4 I know how he feels about me !
5 Then quickly turning back to her , she said , ‘ But I do know how he feels about you .
6 Er , the first , the most straightforward way is to name the feature , if you want to briefly describe it if it 's appropriate , and I mean briefly , then use a link phrase like what this means to you and come out with a benefits statement , something that the client can relate to , and the final piece in the jigsaw is to ask the client how he feels about it .
7 Personally , I do not share that view but whatever the reason , stubbornness must not be allowed to succeed : the dog must do what he is commanded to do , not in his own time , when he feels like it , but immediately ; and if it is done correctly , he should receive praise and lots of it .
8 The widower will receive many more invitations out to meals in other people 's homes in the early days too , and he will have the advantage of never having to feel trapped in the isolation of an empty house in the evenings ; for if his emotional condition after his wife 's death is reasonably steady and he feels the need of company , he can always stroll out to the local pub for a drink , where he can remain in complete control of the amount of conversation he wants , or can endure , and can head for home again just when he feels like it .
9 A man 's allowed to have second-rate dreams if he feels like it .
10 I think he just dematerialises when he feels like it . ’
11 He goes off in one or other of the ships whenever he feels like it , which is pretty well all the time , nowadays .
12 The president is not free to choose , to start wars wherever he feels like it , the president is not free to make agreements with any country he feels like making it with and some presidents have had to learn the hard way .
13 I mean he feels like it , obviously , like with
14 Oh I du n no , he comes back when he feels like it .
15 when he feels like it .
16 Because he feels like it .
17 ‘ He not only looks like me , he feels like mine .
18 ‘ He described quite graphically — to me personally — how he felt with it seeping through the blindfold and beginning to sting and then burn at his eyes so that he was finally forced to open them in order to blink .
19 He never did , of course , and never would , but the fact that the threat had been made showed how strongly he felt on it .
20 He felt for me as would anyone of a right mind .
21 At times he felt tender and protective towards her , but sometimes he surprised himself by the hatred he felt for her , because she was healthy and free and had no need of him .
22 It said something about what he felt for her .
23 He did n't know whether what he felt for her was love , affection or pity , or a mixture of all three .
24 The greater the longing he felt for her the more sensible he had tried to be .
25 Although , she reasoned realistically , if he had been fooling around behind her back it indicated that what he felt for her fell very far short of love , in which case he would probably have cancelled the wedding if she had n't .
26 But only dimly , since she was wrapped in Lucenzo 's arms , and he was madly kissing her face and muttering loving words , holding her as if he never intended to let her go , his face now showing all he felt for her ; his undying love .
27 Not when she loved him , and when he had kissed someone else already tonight , and when all he felt for her was … whatever he did feel .
28 He would n't be able to bring himself to touch her , because if he did , the contempt he felt for her would be extended to himself , and she thought Luke Scott was too intelligent a man to submit to anything so destructive .
29 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
30 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
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