Example sentences of "he too had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He too had seen Alfred departing with Beatrice , but unlike Alice he had followed them , and had been witness to Alfred 's humiliating rejection .
2 ‘ Bloody old woman you are , George , ’ said Jack , but he too had begun to feel uneasy .
3 He said that he too had lost an election ; he had felt very bad when the people of new York rejected him , and he could empathize with what the Shah now felt .
4 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
5 He too had met a woman , in trouble as Sien had been , but educated , fine .
6 If he too had wanted the bomb to go off , his belief would n't have made him shoot , it would have made him dive for cover .
7 But , fully clothed , he must have been reading in the sitting-room — or maybe he had just come in — when he too had heard the sound of a car crash .
8 Perhaps it was the nagging awareness that he too had hoped to gain more than mere gratification from their acquaintance .
9 Mike was waiting for her in the lobby when she came down , and she was pleased to see that he too had dressed as informally as possible in deference to the humidity .
10 A senior SDPJ legislator , Ryoichi Yasutsune , agreed to resign from the party on March 16 after admitting that he too had received funds from Tokyo Sagawa Kyubin .
11 That left Michael McMahon , and when I wrote to his solicitors I was astonished to hear that he too had written a 100,000-word manuscript .
12 Mr. W.S. Johnston , the Second Master and Head of English , had been appointed to the staff in 1934 , initially as Form Master of Junior B. By 1937 he too had moved up to the Senior School .
13 He too had discovered that the Nordic people have long memories .
14 By 1863 , he too had gone and Kings Mill had been turned over to the manufacture of pins , an industry that was to become important for Painswick .
15 ‘ But the coronation of whom , my lady ? ’ enquired the prince , as if he too had accepted that she was indeed the lady Anne .
16 Out of the blue , the Scotland midfield schemer Don Masson , who had missed a penalty in the game against Peru , approached McLeod and admitted that he too had taken the banned drug .
17 He too had abandoned Mayo , leaving an agent to manage the estate and collect the rents .
18 Jose Miguel had been his usual model of self-effacing but steely efficiency and he seemed to have conjured another two birdies from the course without anyone noticing , although he too had dropped one shot .
19 He knew what he was talking about : he too had put in a stint as a junior officer in the reserve in the early 1920s .
20 He too had known Phyllis Henley .
21 He too had come to the end of his small talk .
22 He supposed that he too had changed in his attitude towards her .
23 Behind her , Tom Hanks 's happy face showed that he too had backed Grye to win .
24 He too had read the signals .
25 There was no Reg Pybus to stand in this time , he too had left for pastures new .
26 When Kenneth Clarke first told us of his ideas these and other flaws were so obvious that many of us assumed that either we had analysed the situation incorrectly or that he too had spotted the pitfalls and had the solutions up his sleeve .
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