Example sentences of "he have [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 Anyway he 's clever enough to hoodwink those two charming young ladies he has with him .
2 By s.25 : [ a ] person shall be guilty of an offence if , when not at his place of abode , he has with him any article for use in the course of or in connection with any burglary , theft or cheat .
3 I hope all of you know or have met this good friend of the Hundred I 'm sure that most of you have and he has with him today a guest from Germany , Herr and his charming daughter er and Mr was a member of the and has provided invaluable information here , who as you know is doing a , a comprehensive book on the monster mission and in commemoration of what we have done today , we have a letter addressed to er the Hundredth Bomb Group Memorial Association U K , from the Most Reverend Doctor the Bishop of Munster which I would like to read to you .
4 The first job of the officer is to ‘ determine whether he has before him sufficient evidence to charge that person with the offence for which he was arrested ’ .
5 And , says the writer , " selue may eueri man sen in himself " for he has within him the image of the Trinity : a creative power which enables him to know , and to love what he knows .
6 A side table was brought for McKillop and within a couple of minutes he had beside him a cup of tea and a plate with two small cakes upon it .
7 As a result , at least off the track and in business , he had about him only sycophants .
8 Tall , ruddy-faced and tending to corpulence in his early forties , he had about him the self-satisfied air of a man who has already achieved some measure of public acclaim ; he wore his thick shock of fair hair brushed across his forehead from a centre parting in two matching wings , and his upper lip was thatched with a fashionably luxuriant mustache .
9 He had with him his daughter and her husband , Lord and Lady Brabourne , their fourteen-year-old twin sons , Nicholas and Timothy Knatchbull , Lord Brabourne 's elderly mother , and Paul Maxwell , a local lad who enjoyed helping with the boat .
10 He posted the detective constable he had with him back down the path to join his colleague , armed with instructions to repel all attempts by anyone , however senior or armed with whatever authority , to go anywhere near the body unless he , Sergeant Black , personally accompanied them .
11 He obstinately remained there even when his anger had subsided , and read morning and evening prayers from a little shilling book he had with him , thinking at the same time ‘ with inward & gloomy satisfaction ’ how miserable his mother must be .
12 He felt slightly uncomfortable , having seen three men in lounge suits on his way back from the bathroom ; the only clothes he had with him were casual ones .
13 I could see the neighbours looking curiously at the big box he had with him .
14 ‘ He did not know a great deal about navigation , although he had enough fuel to get to France , but all he had with him was a holdall with a spare pair of shoes , a sandwich and a sports diary with a map of the world in it . ’
15 Denholm entered the cabin with Theodore , who handed over to Talbot some papers he had with him .
16 Duncan took out his passport and handed it to the older man , who opened it to the relevant page and stamped it with a small stamper he had with him .
17 He had with him [ four students who ] talked of learning too much ; and in short were just young old men without vivacity .
18 The letter he had with him is missing .
19 Raynor said , ‘ He had with him a young boy , little more than a child , it seemed .
20 Jock Thompson , the head of Meikles Trust in Bulawayo , told us of a talk he had with him on the guidance of God .
21 Ras Tafari left next day for the front ; he had with him barely four thousand men .
22 He 'd have ordered the division he had with him to advance and enter Spain via Hendaye or Vitoria , just like Napoleon did .
23 He had with him masks , gloves , and guns .
24 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
25 He still owed her a fiver more than he had on him , she complained .
26 She wondered how much cash he had on him , if any .
27 William Horsley , 83 , was punched and kicked by the thug who snatched the few pounds he had on him .
28 Sure , he would n't be killed for anything he had on him , the poor soul .
29 The Substitute would have been willing to bet every cigar he had on him that the Brigadier had been about to add ‘ before you were born ’ .
30 Lee would pick out a suitably drunk customer , extol the virtues of his " sister " and then lure the man into a nearby darkened alley where , more often than not , the customer was attacked and robbed of everything he had on him , sometimes even his clothing .
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