Example sentences of "he be [adj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He moved gingerly about the kitchen , putting away crockery , as if he were afraid his touch might damage or contaminate the pristine glory of its equipment .
2 He is confident their love can survive .
3 He is all my art now , ’ replied Basil , seriously .
4 And he is convinced his side , leading 4-2 from the first leg , can hit Liverpool on the break to claim a vital away goal .
5 Now he is champion his compatriots have done their job .
6 Och he is lovely his hair and all and his face and
7 I know he 's married his wife 's supposed to be in all his films int she ?
8 Then in a softer voice , ‘ An ’ if he 's no' yer brother , then who the hell is he ? ’
9 But he 's confident his knowledge of the site and his presence here will prevent crime becoming a major problem .
10 Cos Charlie , you know , keeps digging rabbits up and he 's knackered his claw !
11 I said she , she might well come back to you I said she 's tried to keep you on a string just in case she did n't land the next dish he looked horrified , you know , as far as he 's concerned its all love and glamour .
12 John MacGregor 's too grey , and he 's terrified my voters over rail privatisation .
13 Darius looks as if he 's stuck his eyes open with superglue , and because he 's too tired to stand waiting in the doorway he slouches in and says , ‘ Hi . ’
14 ‘ By him , he 's half your size . ’
15 He 's alright your friend there .
16 When he 's cheerful his tongue runs away with him , and when he 's depressed he can be unkind .
17 my granddad yeah , yeah but my granddad , he 's Scotch my other granddad was a German , me grandma were Jewish and I were born in London so let them fathom that out .
18 Henry Erskine once remarked of a Scottish judge and freeholder that ‘ he was first my enemy , when I came into power he was my great friend , when I went out he turned cool again & left off cultivating me , in that state we now remain , but I make no doubts were I in again , I should have him back again' .
19 He was sorry her laughter was gone .
20 Gary 's father , Frank Hutchinson , of Frederick Street , Meadowfield , told an inquest in Darlington yesterday that as soon as he heard the news on the radio he was certain his son had been hurt and immediately contacted police .
21 Horatia had always looked petulant , now she looked vengeful and he was sure her mischief was n't finished .
22 I cried after the girl had gone and he seeing my distress and I explaining I feared your anger he put his arms around my neck and comforted me and said he was sure his real mother could not but love her sister and believe she had acted for the best .
23 He had no head for titles but he was sure his wife 's friends at home would be interested .
24 before he was married his employer pictures off the wall and gave them to him
25 When he was fifteen his mother told him about the hanging .
26 When he was young his hair had been that flaxen gold too , as soft and as fine .
27 His whole life was passed in the nursery of the three dimensions ; the wings of his mind were never used , so they atrophied and he was all his life a prisoner of his own ignorance .
28 The SDLP 's Alex Attwood accused Sinn Fein of personation and said he was confident his party 's vote would hold .
29 Looking ahead , Souness said he was confident his side can bounce back in the League after the reverse at Tottenham .
30 I 'm Mrs and er the point I wan na make is that I understood when Jimmy Jones came here had two lovely full houses but I heard through the building through the grapevine that the members of the trust or council objected to him because he was racist his jokes and sexist .
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