Example sentences of "he be [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 And there he is now or I 'm a Dutchman . ’
2 Hence he is more or less permanently associated by middle class opinion with a back region .
3 He rang me up last night to say that he is more or less confined to barracks now in the evening now that Phil is home .
4 As soon as he 's more or less mastered something , he 's bored with it . ’
5 ‘ He 's a brave little lad — he 's more or less back to his cheerful self again , ’ said his aunt , Debbie Pounder .
6 He 's badly cut up from the broken glass but he 's more or less in one piece . ’
7 Well , he 's more or a less a cabbage though is n't he ?
8 Joan 's just rung see they come over for , all of them come over for dinner every Sunday , and er Joan 's er Andrea 's going out with a crowd of them today she 's in with a nice girl a girl er married and the husband , he 's treats Andrea as if it 's a baby sister , so he 's more or less looking after her which is Joan 's very pleased about
9 The flats are self-contained , and the other occupants do n't know when he 's there or not .
10 ‘ I always know whether he 's there or not .
11 Stories that he was physically or mentally ill had , in fact , spread rapidly in summer 1942 .
12 In Lawrence , when an Italian student permitted the taxi-driver to take money in excess of the correct fare , was not the driver doing what he was expressly or impliedly authorised to do ?
13 He placed his own mantle on Elisha 's shoulders , who said his farewell to his parents , and became Elijah 's companion and understudy , following him faithfully on a journey of farewells , and finally inheriting the mantle which fell off Elijah 's shoulders as he was actually or mystically carried off in ‘ ’ a whirlwind into heaven ’ .
14 As Wedderburn pointed out , ‘ tho ’ he has Lo[rd] Anson 's promise to do for him he relies little on it unless your Lo[rdshi]p & the Register intirfire for he will find a readie excuse , he was abroad or he wd have been provided' .
15 In Burma , where he had only the British Colonial Office and colonial administrators to deal with , he was more or less able to have his way .
16 He was more or less an alcoholic before he was 20 .
17 It started when he was only fourteen , and he was more or less alone among the boys in being smiled upon .
18 Towards the end of my Baghdad tour I had regular tussles with the group captain in friendly games of tennis , but I was never able to take a set off him , which never surprised me since he was more or less the permanent Inter-Services Tennis Champion in the UK , ( Oddly enough , Jackie Hunter was my station commander early in the war and saved me from the wrath of my Air Officer Commanding — " Maori " Coningham — when I brought my bombs back when everyone else had " found the target " , but this was before the days of the night camera . )
19 He was more or less paid to go away and keep his head down , was n't he .
20 ‘ I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years .
21 I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years
22 Whether he was there or some other place Dowd had no way of fetching him back .
23 And so er whether the trolls keened he was there or not I do n't ken but he he was watching this all the all the dancing .
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