Example sentences of "he be [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , Freud 's own writings take both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives fully into account , and in this sense he is the true father of social psychoanalysis just as he is that of its clinical sibling .
2 One minute he is all for Labour policy , the next he is knocking it .
3 The first soldier remembered that Medoc had always been called the dark , evil , beautiful one , and Dorrainge said , ‘ Oh yes , he is all of that , ’ and several people looked thoughtful .
4 Today he is more of a celebrity than an actor , making cameo appearances , commercials and turning up at premières .
5 Nudity and the Italian art world seem to go together : Achille Bonito Oliva , commissioner of this year 's Biennale also appeared naked on the cover of a magazine , but he is more of a man than Sgarbi and is not coyly covering his private parts .
6 he is more of the Orient , more of the lowland plains ; cunning and clever , a cruel swordsman equally adept , as the mood and the challenge takes him , with claymore , scimitar , or foil ; kestrel-eyed , smiling , whipwristed ; long on patience if so inclined , short of stature and short of fuse .
7 He is more of an idea than a man , ’ he said .
8 There 's one at Kentish Town , a businessman who smokes big fat cigars like this and he 's half finished them and he throws them on the train and when the doors open no-one clears out the way and he steps on and he 's such as bastard
9 He 's all about excitement , entertainment , doing his bit for his country , and doing it with style — a curious travesty of the active citizen for the 1990s .
10 I can assure you he 's all of them . ’
11 Cos Chris was saying things like oh his , yeah he 's been to the funeral and erm he 's all of a sudden found that he 's got loads of cousins he did n't even know about .
12 As long as I 'm happy in my career , he 's all for it . ’
13 ‘ He can hear us laughing and he 's all by himself down there . ’
14 Keith goes for the goal line , looks around , he 's all by himself in the end zone and he does his patented wiggle , the ancient dance of triumph and sex , all hips and contained muscle and bursting joy , forget the penalty , celebrating his touchdown and his run and his body , and little Jimmy Grady from the fourth year is standing on the path looking at him .
15 One of the best young drivers is fourteen year old Nelson Rowe … he 's another from the Shenington club … how did he start
16 So er bu business-wise I do n't think much went on but he 's more of an uplifting experience
17 He reckons he 's more of an illusionist than a magician .
18 Those who know him best think , he 's more of a fighter than that .
19 There 's Robin Smith , who 's moved a little straighter in fact , you ca n't call him silly point now , he 's more of a silly mid-off , on that 's sort of line , and he 's about three yards on bat , two men out , deep on the leg side , there 's tough on the who 's hoisted that one away on the leg side , I think that could well be safe for , who 's chasing wicket , two bounce it 's over the rope , and four more runs to , he 's kept up his one hundred per cent boundary rate , moves on to twenty , five fours , and it , again , his eye very much on that short leg side boundary and Tufnell and Gooch they 're having further consultations and that leg side field being adjusted again .
20 He was , I would say that he was from here , I would say he 's more in line with er Mrs lives , that 's the sort of back end of er Earls Court .
21 No , he 's half of me . ’
22 to make it or not today but he 's half with us today !
23 She was caught up in her work , in the looking it required , a gaze that was intense and scrutinising without allowing any personal exchange of feeling to take place , when he was all at once bearing down on her , shouting , his right fist tight around his weapon , his left hand hitting the air and pointing at her with accusing index finger .
24 The Austrians installed a theatre which was the scene of many of Mozart 's early successes , including the performance of his first opera when he was all of fourteen years old .
25 He was all of twenty-nine , but he acted thirteen , and he had great rolls of fat on his tummy , the result of unwise motherly feeding .
26 He was all of these things , but somehow none of it seemed to matter .
27 In reality , he was more of a third seamer than a strike bowler , and did the job only in the absence of a faster man , but he once took 6 for 38 in Australia and at Leeds in 1957 had his best Test figures of 7 for 70 .
28 Zach was the only one who showed any real talent and he was more of a performer than an actor .
29 In this guise he was more of a cultural hero , and reportedly taught the people how to compile a calendar of the seasons and to consult the heavens for weather information .
30 ‘ Since he became Prime Minister , Mr Major comes in about once a year but before that he was more of a regular .
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