Example sentences of "he look [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , he looks exactly the same .
2 I 'm gon na have a wee Bill 's bloody worse , he stands there , he looks out the bloody window as much as any bugger .
3 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
4 He looked around a little bewildered .
5 He looked exactly the same except for his hair , which Hari had shaved off for his experiments and which had now grown into a furry black stubble through which the numbered segments of his skull could still be faintly perceived .
6 She had no intention of saying anything else ; in fact she had been quite undecided about answering him at all , but he looked just a bit too angry for outright defiance and he was decidedly bigger than she was .
7 I bought him different clothes , and had his hair cut , but to me he looked just the same , and I lived in constant fear that he would be recognized by someone who had known him in the past .
8 He looked just the sort of hulk who would attract simpering village lasses .
9 When I detained him by a greeting , he looked up a little puzzled , saying that he thought that we lived in Cornwall Gardens .
10 He looked up a number .
11 When he looked up the light was pearly and the sky a blue so tender he could hardly take his eyes off it , with the result that on several occasions he collided with people coming the other way .
12 He looked where the vole was pointing and suddenly remembered the place .
13 At thirty-two , Malcolm McLaren was seven years older than Branson , yet he looked only the same age , possibly even younger : a short and wiry figure dressed in pointed boots , black jeans and a tight-fitting suit jacket of Italianate design .
14 Unfortunately he looked more the warrior-who-would-kidnap-a-bride type than a docile servant .
15 When he looked back a moment later , the dishevelled old tramp was walking after him .
16 When he looked back the gas-bag was roaring , a spherical furnace illuminating the early dusk .
17 ‘ Ah , ’ Karl shook his head as he looked down the avenue .
18 Standing on the brake-van verandah , he looked down the line towards the signal box .
19 He looked down the table and held up his plate , as did the ‘ broth ’ .
20 He looked down the table at Allingham .
21 He looked much the same as he did later , with a T-shirt and his 5000 volt haircut .
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