Example sentences of "he give we [art] " in BNC.

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1 Is he will he give us a hand ?
2 Will he give us an idea of the future role of the Royal Corps of Transport ?
3 But if the Home Secretary feels that we can have more , er , er , police officers , why does n't he give us the money so we can employ them .
4 He gives us no sign that he believes God will provide a substitute at the last moment , no sign of a conviction that all will be well in the end .
5 He gives us a murderer whose ‘ words pattered out like smooth large grains ’ — clear and distinguishable , and yet somehow there is nothing to get a purchase on .
6 He gives us a few outlines of ‘ paper logic ’ followed by a paragraph or two describing some of the religious experiences themselves .
7 He gives us a picture of a firm conversion to theism in the summer of 1929 , followed by a period in which he believed in God , but not in the doctrines of Christianity .
8 Now it is the most dangerous , ’ says Carl Howorth , co-ordinator for CARE , as he gives us a guided tour of the city .
9 He gives us a cornucopia of masterful species portraits and by far the best general reference on natural history .
10 ‘ But its situation , ’ continues Johnson , ‘ seems well chosen for pleasure , if not for strength ’ ; and then in half a sentence he gives us a glimpse of local life and activity : ‘ It stands at the head of the lake and , by a sloop of sixty tuns , is supplied from Inverness with great convenience ’ — which description immediately conjures the vessel plying up and down Loch Ness with provisions , armaments , soldiers ' wives .
11 Well let's see what God himself has to say cos he gives us a definition of blessing .
12 Bacchus song loves Bacchus and Bacchus loves songs , says Milton , and he gives us a whole stream of classical precedents , Ovid , Anacreon , Pinder , the whole lot to show that a poet naturally will love the good life .
13 Yet he gives us an authentic account of his epoch and of its medical habits .
14 And here we learn something new , for though the sculptor has chosen to leave the left hand exposed he gives us an indication as to how shrouds were placed once the body had been encoffined : the right sleeve has been pulled down over its hands and gently tucked under the fingers .
15 In today 's programme he gives us an exclusive interview , the first since his heart attack four months ago .
16 He gives us the assurance one day and the very next day seems to retract or contradict it . ’
17 He gives us the archetypal wolf in Armani threads in script executive Griffin Mill — Tim Robbins — whose job entails dashing the hopes of thousands of writers each year and making a handful rich .
18 He gives us the voice , so we can examine it ourselves and ask our own questions about it , even though he does not cite directly anything the Oxford voice says .
19 He gave us a set of keys and we started going there regularly setting it up nicely .
20 He had spent several years in the Sudan and he gave us a tip : ‘ Never take a taxi there , ’ he said , ‘ without fixing the price for the journey before you get in . ’
21 He gave us a grin of yellow teeth .
22 The running man took his opportunity , and as he passed , followed by his less competitive , wheezing companions , clearly suffering agonies by his pace-setting , he gave us a triumphant , knowing nod .
23 He gave us a cursory glance , then resumed his watch on the highway .
24 He gave us a hard stare as he passed , very slowly .
25 After a minute , he gave us a suggestion that had come to him , to reach the leadership of every political party here .
26 He gave us a commentary on the journey to Deeside Halt , where , of course , again the rails vanished into the distance on the next extension .
27 My only other memory of that period was Schultz 's , the sausage-maker — a Saturday night treat for us , especially when he gave us a toothless grin and slipped an extra sausage in free .
28 ‘ He is without doubt their greatest danger and he gave us a few problems last week . ’
29 And then , the next day I went along and he actually caught the five foot one and ki and killed it and he gave us a load of steaks off it that I sort of
30 No he gave us a glass each
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