Example sentences of "he think there [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The smoke rising from the five chimneys of Auschwitz-Birkenau is a downer , although he thinks there may be something in my idea of complementary smoke rising from the savannah .
2 The Direct Tableware Company sales director Roger Young agrees that it will be next spring before any real growth in catering occurs , but he thinks there might be a slight upturn next month in the top-up business : ‘ It 's heading for the busy time and you ca n't serve customers without knives and forks . ’
3 On recounting the tale to a journalist , the victim is asked if he thinks there will ever be an end to this cycle of violence , to which he answers , ‘ No , as long as they keep shitting in our shoes , we 'll keep pissing in their Bovril . ’
4 Yes sir , on the erm first part erm in in clarification if I might sir the erm question of er briefing the Chairman is in fact dealt with in paragraph forty seven of annex C of P P G twelve although I 'm grateful for information on paragraph forty eight , erm and it says amongst other things that er there shall be a briefing and that briefing , the contents of that briefing shall be made public can I press the er spokesman for the environment committee to tell us er why in fact that was n't done and whether he thinks there can be prop proper public debate if it is n't done .
5 He thought there would n't be any jobs for mathematicians except as teachers .
6 It is clear that Lenin 's references to ‘ primitive democracy ’ and the delegation of state functions to ordinary people did not mean that he thought there would be no place for administration in a socialist state .
7 He could n't sleep if he thought there might be a plug in a socket somewhere .
8 Not all of his predictions were right ( he thought there might be war with China ) .
9 If he could make the shelter of the trees he thought there might be a chance of watching the high road from the wood 's far side .
10 Riven shook his head wearily , though he thought there might be .
11 ’ After a moment she went on , ‘ I think he thought there might be some possibility of outreach , of bringing young people into the Church .
12 On the other hand , since his agent had accepted the terms so avidly , he thought there might be problems in getting them changed .
13 I suggested that it might be a good idea to get it in midsummer so that I could get plenty of practice in before the skiddy weather set in , but he thought there might be too much tourist traffic going through the town and on the roads around it in the middle of the summer .
14 He told her to look in the table drawer in the living-room — he thought there might be a spare drying-up cloth in it .
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