Example sentences of "he could help me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had never met the man , but a friend had given him my number in case he could help me with my research , ’ says Lynsey .
2 ‘ The greatest irony is that I thought he could help me in my research on rape , ’ she says .
3 How I thought he could help me I do n't know , but he invited me for lunch , anyway , and he was lovely .
4 Said he could help me .
5 Getting his drift , I willingly agreed as long as he could help me out with my goalkeeper crisis .
6 Suddenly he walked back to me and said I ought to avenge my father 's death and that he could help me .
7 I had not been there long when an officer appeared , shook my hand and asked if he could help me in any way .
8 I walked — in amazing Cecil B de Mille film type downpour yesterday for tea with a young lawyer son of one of John 's contemporaries at Gordonstoun , so that he could help me finalise the leaflet for a seminar on 14th January in respect of INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY , which many think is akin to copyright and so on but it embraces much more than that nowadays , especially in respect of computers , TV and sound usage , collaboration in respect of research and development projects which eat investments budgets and so on .
9 Except that I rang up James Barlow , Jenny 's friend , and asked if he could help me . "
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