Example sentences of "he who had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was He who had instructed the animals to multiply ; He had given no instructions to the stars .
2 It was he who had built the synagogue .
3 He who had begun so terrible an undertaking , how can we be sure he did not , after all , stay and finish it ? ’
4 It was he who had run ahead in pursuit of the horses , and it was he whose eyes now most keenly searched the forest edge .
5 When questioned , Mason , the carpenter , agreed that it was he who had raised the flag , but said that he had done so because he had been prematurely informed of the relief of Mafeking .
6 ‘ There was a long pause and Dr Runcie said : ‘ Well , I always suspected it was he who had written it , but I never thought there was anything personal in it .
7 On her return she knew that it was he who had plucked the sting but she was afraid that too demonstrative a show of gratitude might be misinterpreted .
8 He who had preached with power in Liverpool suddenly found preaching very difficult in Lincolnshire .
9 The disquiet and consternation he had set up among the brothers would go on echoing and re-echoing for some time , while he who had caused it had recoiled into numbness and exhaustion .
10 Just for a second , for one brief surprising second , the old man admitted to himself that it was he who had created this pitiful excuse for a man , and his conscience , that bothersome thing which he had buried long ago , rose to haunt him .
11 It was he who had given the alarm in the barn , for he could not sleep and at the sound of scratching had started up at once .
12 Angry with Hans , if it really was he who had given the order to subdue the woman .
13 It was he who had inflicted an appendectomy of doubtful necessity on Harry forty-two years ago .
14 Was it perhaps he who had taught her all those words ?
15 It was he who had made the Bible an arbiter of human knowledge .
16 It was he who had tainted her !
17 She was determined that it was n't he who had affected her appetite either , and went down to dinner that night and ate quite a substantial meal , only to return to her room and spend the next hour again having trouble ousting the wretched man .
18 It had been the property of Mrs Stratton 's first husband , and it was he who had expressed the wish , as stated in his will , that it be returned to England to find a permanent place in the Ashmolean Museum with its counterpart , the Wolvercote Buckle .
19 They treated him like one of them , complimenting him on his astuteness , until he began to genuinely believe that it was he who had selected Node Check , that he was an expert on account trading before he 'd learned anything about the stock market in general .
20 There was the suspicion , too , that it was he who had arranged for us to be followed on our arrival in Lima , may even have planned our death by that gully on the old road up to the pass .
21 At lunch at the commissary of 20th Century Fox , Spyros P. Skouras ( he who had insisted that his movie makers clear themselves of Communist taint ) asked in his speech where else in the world but in America could a poor Greek boy have become so important a person as president of 20th Century Fox ?
22 It was he who had to listen to how the clients could never get through on the telephone , how they were chased by debt collectors even when they had paid , how they could not find up to the minute share prices , etc .
23 It was he who had provided Eric with Mussolini 's motor car and a chauffeur .
24 In the time of the Labour Government the Chief Secretary had been Joel Barnett and it was he who had forced Barbara Castle into her major and controversial changes .
25 He told her things she had not known about him — good things , acts of generosity — it came out that it was he who had got Simon on to my pictures , the Douanier and the Gris ; he had practically given them to him .
26 One who was no extremist , Dr Sutomo , wrote : ‘ It was he who had demolished the crumbling walls that had divided the various groups of the people from one another .
27 She had a tension about her like a strung bow , and every bit as lethal , and she had a piercing beauty — why had he never marked it , he who had known her nearly three years ? that made his heart contract as he looked at her .
28 He had been the one to capture her , it was he who had stolen the Friar 's sack .
29 Very likely it was he who had set these men on to him .
30 She laughed out loud , since it was he who had set the pace .
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