Example sentences of "at [adv] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 At 2pm that day , in the Vauxhall district of Birmingham , the scene was set for this drama .
2 So I asked if could make a tour earlier , at 10am that day , to which the answer was yes .
3 At 5pm that day I went along to Anouska Hempel 's very individual and attractive showroom at 2 Pond Place , Chelsea , where I saw her really lovely couture collection , for which she derived the inspiration from Eastern Europe .
4 While making the film , Crawford had been getting up at 4.30am each day , going to the studios , performing on stage in No Sex , Please — We 're British , then going to bed after 11pm .
5 If your normal working week prior to unemployment consisted of less than 4 days , then you must lose at least 1 day 's employment in order to qualify for UB .
6 By nightfall I am fed up with the search and determined to leave tomorrow for at least one day on Drangajökull .
7 That statesman , in 1732 , persuaded the Commons to consider abandoning its regular Saturday sittings , so that he ‘ might secure at least one day 's hunting a week ’ .
8 A second legal mortgage can be created by leasing the land to the second mortgagee for a term longer by at least one day than the term limited to the first mortgagee .
9 I normally skip at least one day every two weeks .
10 If the wife is unable to take a nap in the afternoon when the children are napping , then possibly there is someone who could look after them for a few hours at least one day a week for her to regain her strength .
11 Regularly , at least one day a week , he goes to one of a few chosen locations to shoot a roll of film and has been doing this now for several years and so has built up a record of places such as Trafalgar Square , Westminster Bridge and the South Bank in London .
12 You 'll have spent at least one day testing everything to see if it 's okay before you show it to the public .
13 Joe did n't see a great deal of his dad during the year , with his trips abroad and everything , so they used to reserve at least one day when they could do things together . ’
14 At least one day a week I like ( who said ‘ Liar ’ ) to devote to my chores around the house and garden .
15 What could entice an FE college principal to spend at least one day per week out of college between Easter and summer 1990 , at a time of year always administratively active and this year particularly critical with the preparation and prospect of delegation schemes and new College Councils ?
16 Postprandial gall bladder contraction as well as plasma CCK and PP concentrations were assessed on five separate days with at least one day in between to allow for degradation of octreotide ( T=80–100 minutes ) .
17 The court can either grant the application or fix a hearing date , in which case it must give the parties at least one day 's notice .
18 He said : ‘ Surely they are entitled to at least one day in a week when they can have peace and quiet . ’
19 That 's another story , where they were , and if you 're interested , downstairs there 's a very good map that shows you superimposed on a modern map of Oxford where they were , but they very much affected citizens in the St Aldate 's , because every citizen , and every scholar who was still in the university , between the ages of 16 and 60 had to work on the fortifications at least one day a week , or pay a shilling fine .
20 speak to me for er , for a day afterwards , at least one day , and just said
21 The burnt-out remains of the mill are still in the process of being demolished and fire crews expect to be there for at least another day .
22 The start is at 9am each day and the competition sponsored by McDonald 's .
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