Example sentences of "at [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Casting a self-satisfied glance at me Shelly allowed herself to be picked up .
2 Kaysone called on the party to continue " comprehensively implementing the cause of restructuring " , presenting a list of economic tasks which included quickening the pace at which privately owned farms replaced agricultural co-operatives , and reforming the country 's financial and banking system .
3 ( I am still smarting at the MILLSTONE remark about poor little B , at which simply roared with laughter , told me to ignore it and that he , , was merely getting crabbit , old , critical and jealous … ) .
4 Usually , they have been recognised in the context of our early years in the family , since this is their dominant source during a period of particular dependence , and because later childhood is the age at which officially recorded criminality is at its greatest .
5 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
6 I know when I was at you just had one thing with a funny flavour and that 'll put you off that thing
7 It 's like Jenny , like Tracey said Carla was the best at She even said apparently to the big girls on a Monday there 's gon na be a lot of heads turning a lot of chat going on when Carla comes out .
8 I mean look , for forgetting the women , but just look look at who else did well in those elections and who did less well , you had the modernizers doing less well , the Tony Blairs and the Gordon Browns , and you had the traditionalists , or the perceived traditionalists if you prefer , er the John Prescotts , for instance , and the Frank Dobsons doing extremely well .
9 I smiled at her over gritted teeth .
10 Mr O'Hara stared at her then laughed .
11 He paused , looked at her then stalked off down the aisle .
12 Whitlock smiled at her then looked beyond her at the couple on the sofa .
13 The priest glared at her then swept on with his discourse .
14 Whitlock looked round sharply at her then conceded the point with a shrug of the shoulders .
15 She stared at her then turned away in exasperation .
16 The way he looked at her now disturbed Beth deeply .
17 ‘ Luke will , ’ Anna said unfairly , turning away and looking at her beautifully dug earth , and thinking how much she would just like to lie down on it and sleep .
18 Bet bloody Matt 's been getting at him probably knew the camera had caught him looking shit-scared .
19 This time the interruption came from a man in the front row of the audience , a tall man who was leaning forward , and George looked at him , feeling less hostility than the woman who had shouted at him earlier had created ; and then he realized it was because he spoke in an educated voice .
20 My father glanced at it then returned his gaze to me .
21 The banking partnership ended at some date in the 1720s , Freame continuing alone , then in partnership with his son Joseph , at what later became 56 Lombard Street .
22 He enjoys still the odd distinction of being the first person to take a soil sample at what later became the NATO headquarters at Mönchen Gladbach .
23 We can perhaps only guess at what exactly lay behind such incidents , although these kinds of details begin to add up to something more than a fringe resentment of the police by a marginal ‘ criminal element ’ .
24 Good progress was made on the Saturday but when I looked at what still remained for Sunday , I thought we 'd do well to finish half the distance .
25 Written as a result of attending a Labour Party conference , it was the product of shock at what then seemed to me the amount of time and energy politicians and journalists spent chasing each other 's tails on such occasions .
26 ‘ Look at what almost happened . ’
27 If you are dismissed at the end of your first year , concentrating on the terms of the contract leads to the conclusion that you ordinarily worked in Great Britain , whereas looking at what actually happened leads to the opposite conclusion .
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