Example sentences of "he [modal v] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He may think in terms of bits of equipment , flows of material , flows of energy or flows of information .
2 He should think for a moment what that means .
3 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
4 It was ridiculous that he should think of lowering himself through the floor of the carriage , that he should contemplate hanging for moments or minutes beneath the train , that he should consider allowing himself to fall on to the frozen stones between the wheels .
5 I do n't know what he must think of our house , some of our furniture is over a hundred years old !
6 Somehow , in a way he must think of , he would see Dinah again .
7 He must think of himself .
8 He must think in terms of thousand upon thousand of repetitions when practising a particular kata , for only through constant repetition will he be able to master the basic fighting movements and to achieve the physical and spiritual sensitivity that lies at the heart of the martial arts .
9 He 'll think of another one . ’
10 I do n't know what he 'll think of this !
11 He 'll think for sure I arranged this ! ’
12 He had no intention , he said , of being part of a permanent commune , he had his medical degree to get , but he might think of coming there for his holidays .
13 I suggested that he might think of removing the last three syllables from his name , which he did by deed poll .
14 ‘ Better files than people , I told him , but that did not interest him : all he could think of was the files . ’
15 The busker who plays Chariots Of Fire on a Casio organ at Bank would leave it in a trice if only he could think of some other way of turning a penny .
16 It was the only person he could think of .
17 Nigel 's sympathetic male editor agreed to ask all the good-looking women writers he could think of .
18 All he could think of was that he wanted to sneeze .
19 All he could think of was the small , dark , murderous hole .
20 All he could think of was : ‘ Keep him in a good mood !
21 There was nothing else he could think of to say .
22 He could think of nowhere he would rather be than at home , with people he knew and trusted , in a place without secrets .
23 Because he could think of nothing to say to her in reply , Gaily bought her a drink and left .
24 His usually placid , cheerful features were contorted with rage and she stood dumb while he poured out a stream of abuse upon Ellen and upon her and upon the Wilson family and upon the English and upon everyone and everything he could think of .
25 He could think of nothing less suited to him , and the job went instead to his colleague at the Home Office , David Mellor , who subsequently pipped him to the Cabinet .
26 He tried everything he could think of to tempt the Bookman into showing himself .
27 For a start , he could think of precious few men who would consort with prostitutes .
28 But he could think of no other way to tackle the problem .
29 It was simply that he could think of no other way of prolonging her absence from him indefinitely .
30 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
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