Example sentences of "he [modal v] have become " in BNC.

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1 He may have some that he did not use last year , or he may have become interested in a topic in the syllabus that has been given a new twist by some research ( perhaps his own ) .
2 In Ecgfrith 's case , by the same principle , if he was killed in the fifteenth year of his reign and had only been king fourteen years , he may have become king in 671 and certainly could not have done so before 21 May 670 .
3 So maybe it 's apt that he should have become entangled in Basic Instinct , a new psychosexual thriller starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone , which is based on a controversial script by Joe Eszterhas .
4 It is surely one of the most cruel twists of fate that a man who has demonstrated such commitment , as well as compassion to overcome so many other problems during his life — and indeed to have helped so many others to have done the same — that he should have become a victim of medical science .
5 Ashe , now 49 , grew up in the segregated American South of the 1950's , making it wholly appropriate that he should have become such a dedicated campaigner for equal rights all round the world .
6 At that time , from all accounts , he must have become more outwardly Jewish in his attitudes .
7 He must have become a fairly senior member of his own company , since he was one of the receiving trustees of Painter-Stainers ' Hall in 1580 , and one of those releasing the hall to others in 1605 .
8 It would therefore follow that unless Molla Yegan were using the title though in fact an ex-kadi , he must have become kadi again in the years alter returning with Molla Gurani .
9 She turned slowly to give him a long , searching look and decided he must have become expert at keeping his emotions on a tight rein .
10 But Leith 's glance went from him to where , at some time in the night , he must have become too hot and in stupor had shed his clothes , which were now in a crumpled heap by the side of the bed .
11 … it could have no real importance after the visit to Osborne in the course of which Napoleon III having tightened the alliance with England had nothing much to say to the Emperor of Russia , his enemy of the day before yesterday , his friend of yesterday — but not his ally of today , which he might have become had it not been for the recent drawing together of the Courts of the Tuileries and St James .
12 In 1963 he fell only 31 votes short of being elected Labour leader ; he might have become prime minister .
13 By the age of 18 or 20 , he had completed his apprenticeship in life : he might have become a very good photographer , probably an excellent painter , a good mountaineer and hiker , or a fine skier .
14 More important , the Theatre Royal ( 1836–7 ) and the Grey column ( 1837–8 ) in Newcastle , stately neo-classical structures which were key elements in the heroic replanning of the city centre by Richard Grainger [ q.v. ] , were evidently also his conceptions , and suggest that he might have become a more significant figure in his own right had he not died relatively young , surviving his father by a mere six years .
15 He might have become treasurer in 1332 but for his reluctance to buy the office .
16 In fact , hindsight leads one to suggest that Jimmy came to the Palace 20 years too soon — he could have become an inspiration in Malcolm Allison 's footballing team of the mid-1970s .
17 He could have become an Olympic long-jump champion , as he 'd once broken the world record .
18 In the eighteenth century he would have become prime minister before he was thirty ; as it was he appeared honourably ineligible for the struggle of life .
19 He would have become the first show jumper to win more than £1 million in prize money : at present his total earnings are about £50,000 short of that .
20 He would have become just another abortion statistic , and speaks almost bitterly of having his ‘ own downtrodden minority .
21 If he had said ‘ Yes ’ , he would have become unpopular with the people , who hated the tax .
22 The only danger was , as he recalls , that he would have become institutionalized .
23 IF DAVID HOCKNEY had been born in 1837 instead of 1937 , he would have become an Olympian rather than a Californian .
24 It was also widely believed that he would have become the laibon after his father 's death .
25 I projected the child 's face into his own vanished future and attempted to see the man he would have become , the man I intend to find . ’
26 No , recorded Hilary , had I married him , he would have become President of the United States .
27 The Darlington inquest heard Mr Still , of Newholme Estate , Station Town , Wingate , died from cardio-respiratory failure and he would have become unconscious soon after impact .
28 Had his depression lasted much longer he would have become agoraphobic .
29 I welcome the fact that the Secretary of State is getting in practice and asking the questions to which I give the answers at Question Time , as it is a situation to which he shall have to become accustomed .
30 But whoever it is , waving to the exultant crowds , he will have become a legend .
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