Example sentences of "he [be] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd , would he be into one of these ?
2 So without working it out , but using the graph now , how far would he be after three and a half hours ?
3 He felt as if he were at one of Mama 's evenings .
4 It was as if he were in two minds about something and must select his words with care .
5 In this he is at one with most Christian Democrats and most Social Democrats in Europe today .
6 At bottom this division is based on the fact that he is at one and the same time part of the natural order — along with the elements , plants and animals — yet also a spiritual and personal being who feels a destiny and calling to rule over the natural world .
7 But for all his misgivings , here he is with one of the most desirable women in France eating truffle shavings and half an hour ago they were lying on a bed together .
8 Or at any rate , he is with one of the research teams working on the man project .
9 But even during those few seconds when he is changing he is on one horse or the other .
10 " I know only what I 've been told — that he is on one of the ships , " she said unhappily .
11 He is on nine , which is n't bad at all , and his goal ratio since he first came into the side has been excellent .
12 He is on four-under 136 .
13 Here he is aged 15 with twin brother Mark , who 's a normal size .
14 He is in two minds .
15 But he is in one sense or another occupied with it for the rest of the book as he directs the recluse in understanding her experience in terms of a pattern established by the Incarnation , and anchors his teaching to Scripture .
16 He 's past thirty .
17 No he 's not , he 's on two fifty .
18 Well he 's on six lots is n't he ?
19 ‘ No , he 's on one of the escort frigates .
20 So far , he 's on 36 for Liverpool and three for Chester in his early days .
21 His legs will probably fall off at some stupid rave if he 's not careful he 'll be dancing so much cos he 's on twenty thousand and his bloody legs 'll fall off .
22 He may not be as stinking , filthy rich as you , but he 's worth ten of you any day of the week !
23 ( He 's like one of those boxers .
24 He 's in four two five , ’ he said .
25 He 's in one of those Victorian institutions that were built out in the countryside so the inmates would n't contaminate decent citizens .
26 He 's in one of the police cars ! ’
27 ‘ Florian talks like that when he 's in one of his exuberant moods .
28 He 's in two sizes , eight inches and thirteen inches .
29 When he was aged eleven , doctors gave him ten years to live .
30 He informed me that mentally he was aged sixty and I was a mere twenty .
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