Example sentences of "he [be] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 What would he be now if he had become , say , a civil servant allotting housing finance , or a policeman , poring over bits of hair and skin and thumbball prints ?
2 Would he be there when he needed him out there in the unknown ?
3 He were that as well .
4 More importantly , however , considering the perilous economic climate and the number of people out of work , he is also considering kicking off an employment register of sorts where Uniforum members looking for jobs could avail themselves of free advertising in the group 's magazine Uniforum Monthly .
5 He is also as keen a European as you will find on the Government benches , especially the front bench .
6 Thus the Metropolitan Commissioner 's testimony to a brand of tyre as a major contribution to road safety carries weight because of who he is rather than what he looks like .
7 Someone paid them good money , a lot of money , to do that — this so-called ‘ friend ’ they mentioned — so if I were you I 'd be trying to work out who he is rather than getting on my soapbox .
8 He makes it his business to know what is happening on the street — although he is rarely if ever seen there himself these days — and feeds these spontaneous trends into the crucible of high fashion , to make it fizz and bubble .
9 Armed with this terrible weapon he is all but invincible for a time .
10 You perhaps do not realize how long and desperately people have fought to keep Winston Spencer Churchill in the wilderness , and how furiously angry many of them are that he is back where he belongs .
11 He says he is now because April 's coming up .
12 A man materialises beside us so unobtrusively I do n't realise he is there until he speaks .
13 With his stylish , imaginative vitality and very fleet fingers , he is certainly as persuasive an advocate for the fortepiano — and again he uses a Derek Adlam instrument ‘ after ’ a Nanette Streicher of 1815 P as anyone in the catalogue .
14 I am glad he is out if he did not do it . ’
15 And she said he 's just so you know
16 They also think he must be dominant , decisive and virile but he 's not , he 's just as he is on the field .
17 " He 's probably as hung over as I am , but still , if he does n't get here soon , there 'll be no breakfast . "
18 He 's a shareholder and a season ticket holder , but he 's so annoyed by recent events he 's already considering not bothering to renew his pass for next season .
19 it is what I 've always thought for a long time that somebody like Brian if he 's not if he 's not showing at our fish at our show , even as an A class judge , I , I fail to see why he ca n't judge at our show it 's , he goes to Skelm and , and judges there and our fish will be there or strange really when we 're struggling for judges that , that we do n't do these things .
20 He 's not like he seems on the talkshows .
21 ‘ Why , that he 's here because of Jilly Jonathan .
22 He 's here because they 've loaned the helicopter .
23 But he 's here as well !
24 John at teatime is talking to veteran D J Paul about the best records of all time and musician Edward who 's playing at the Old Vic tonight , he 's on as well .
25 He 's more than ten — he 's 41 !
26 He 's now considering tackling the Southern Upland Way , starting in Galloway in the West and walking through the Borders to Cockburnspath , just a few miles from his home in Innerwick .
27 Because you know what he 's like when he gets talking , he talks so much he just cuts all your hair off Ye yeah it 's all cut on the sides and cos , cos they 're all taught to finger dry and what have you , he does all this and what have you .
28 It appears that he 's in because he can play both sides of the scrum .
29 ‘ I know he 's there because I ca n't imagine him , ’ explained Lydia patiently .
30 They do n't know he 's there because the wind is howling so loudly .
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