Example sentences of "he [adv] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So that er his former chauffeur joined the force , P C , he was in , he drove of course our first police car , well which he shared with P C , then when our cars got to number two , three and so on , he eventually came up , so that he retired as inspector , traffic inspector .
2 When he eventually came down , he was punished with two months in solitary confinement .
3 As he groggily came round he found himself surrounded by three youths he thought were trying to help him .
4 In fact , he rarely came out of Bath and Wells , where he was proving a conscientious diocesan , predictably of a brisk administrative turn of mind .
5 He rarely comes home early on a Tuesday night .
6 She did that for half an hour and he only came round for a short time .
7 Thinking about it it used to work with Sterland , but then he only came forward AFTER strach had the ball and when the opposition were pushed right back … and he crossed it while in front of the defender rather than having to get round him .
8 He only came up here cos they were closing .
9 He only came in last week .
10 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
11 aha , see he used to smoke at work , cos he only comes round
12 He just came over to my desk , looked down at what I was writing and whispered , almost to himself , ‘ You 're as bad as your bloody father ! ’
13 He just came on in the same purposeful manner and Maggie backed away , a little alarmed and suddenly remembering why she was here .
14 Three and he just came on and played the piano .
15 Well , I 'm sorry , he just came on so strong .
16 Apart from the GPR records , The Dog appeared on the much acclaimed ART EP with Kirk DeGiorgio and — ultimate accolade ! — released one on Detroit legend Carl Craig 's Planet E Label ( ‘ He just came round and had a chilli with us and we sorted it out ’ ) .
17 No no he just came up to collect the rent .
18 He just came up , he came here
19 So we built this snowman round this rock and this car came back cos he came he just came in to hit it and he burst into and broke his bumper .
20 " He just came down here , and I made him a cup of tea and we said an act of contrition together . "
21 That 's how he is , he just come around , crack him few sarcastic jokes about black kids .
22 he just come back
23 and he just come in and he just sort of put them down like that , put the books next to them like that and never said nothing , so I never said nothing to them about them anyway
24 He just comes round once in a while and they go out .
25 So now he just comes round once in a blue moon .
26 She 's just got him out of prison after making all that money and going through all that shit for him , he finally comes home , and all he wants to do is watch the match on the telly .
27 Relying upon authority rather than cultivating widespread support , he soon came up against resistance from those who detected a tampering with the basic fabric of Orthodoxy .
28 He soon came back , trying not to look intimidated .
29 Er next night so I frightened him , I was gon na nail it up while he was inside , and he soon come out .
30 He thus comes close to Formalist/structuralist theory in denying the referential function of poetry , but differs significantly from it in his identification of the emotive with the poetic use of language ; for Jakobson , it will be remembered , the emotive or what Jakobson calls the conative and the poetic are quite distinct .
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