Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb past] another " in BNC.

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1 He already had another robbery conviction against him , the court was told .
2 It did n't last long because we were back in the boardroom by now , and he quickly got another glass of champagne into his clutches .
3 Trevelyan was clearly excited by the prospect of a new Palace of Whitehall , as not only was a large part of his evidence to the Committee devoted to an eloquent description of a monumental scheme he envisaged , but he also produced another scheme for the area in 1866 .
4 He also added another number called The Little Musicians , which was performed by four slightly older children .
5 The other bad news is that not only did John Fullard get a letter for the wrong house in The Grove , he also got another on the same day intended for 27 The Oval .
6 But he also had another side .
7 He also had another er , what we call a journey waybill and that , he used to record on there at each termini he used to record the time and the ticket numbers that he 'd got in his rack at that particular time , so it could be seen between certain times that a ticket perhaps was sold between Witton and Rushmere Heath .
8 And , he also had another video .
9 He also designed another epoch-making book , DIANE ARBUS ( 1972 ) , as well as pursuing an influential career as art director at HARPER 'S BAZAAR .
10 He also visited another important garden in the area , Meerburg , where the gardener kindly instructed him on the cultivation of pineapples — his employer , M. de la Court , was among the first to grow this fruit successfully in Europe .
11 With another group of activists he later co-ordinated another well-publicized protest after the GLC 's ‘ Fare 's Fair ’ cheap public transport proposals had been overruled by the Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
12 Finding he had an inadequate amount of carpeting and the shop could no longer supply the same colour , he simply ordered another shade and was oblivious to the clash of reds this created half way up the stairs .
13 He even got another nice review .
14 He then spent another three hours combining the ingredients in his kitchen while his wife Kate dressed the dining table and got the children to bed .
15 Certainly , that was the case , when after missing a penalty against Brazil — thus failing to equal Bobby Charlton 's 49-goal record for England — he then received another blast from Taylor .
16 He then found another foreign territorial issue in the inclusion of the British North Borneo territories in the newly-formed Malaysia .
17 He then flicked another match into the girl 's lap .
18 He then obtained another job , in which it was his responsibility to order materials .
19 He almost missed another , smaller envelope , addressed to Riddle in a round , childish hand .
20 And yet he never sought another Great Wife .
21 He never said another word until the end when he told me he would be going out at 8 AM with the same four-ball and he would see me then .
22 Once he 'd introduced me to the Princess , he never said another word . ’
23 He never had another fundamentally novel idea in general biological theory .
24 He never penned another encyclical and his final decade remained one of conservative indecision rather than of reaction .
25 He never took another permanent job , but supported himself with freelance work ( he catalogued books for the London booksellers Pearson & Co. ) , with academic appointments ( he was Sandars reader in bibliography at Cambridge in 1899 , 1904 , and 1911 ) , and with the income from his books .
26 As for Brian Redhead , a BBC radio presenter who had the temerity to call him a conspiracy , ‘ His failure to apologise meant that he never got another interview with Mrs Thatcher as prime minister . ’
27 He never got another dog to replace Captain .
28 After all , Niki did too on occasion — until it brought Niki a recurrence of the Nürburgring nightmare and he never touched another joint in his life .
29 But he never found another job .
30 Its ‘ difficult ’ themes ( the war and homosexuality ) made it a succès d'estime , but although Ackerley was hailed as a coming dramatist , he never completed another play .
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