Example sentences of "he [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Or was he so inept that Sir Ivor was nearly beaten unnecessarily ?
2 Is he not astonished that that is the Labour party 's proposal ?
3 He boasts about inward investment , but is he not aware that following the last slump under this Government , between 1979-81 , investment in manufacturing industry was so slow that the capacity is now hardly any higher than it was 12 years ago ?
4 Is he not aware that every specialty at the Foresterhill site , with the exception of laboratory services , voted overwhelmingly to reject the trust ?
5 Is he not ashamed that so many children have been thrown on to the streets of Scotland while he has been Prime Minister ?
6 Was he ever worried that he might get stuck with teenage roles ?
7 When Charles had first taken his brother to the summit Richard had been so young he still half-believed that a haggis was a little animal with one leg longer than the other , the better to run around mountainsides .
8 My right hon. and learned Friend knows how highly I regard his judgment , but is he still satisfied that it is wise to go ahead with the charges after all the mistakes have been made , and after such a long time has passed ?
9 Is he further aware that in a city such as Birmingham , where problems arise over bringing families into the United Kingdom , there is widespread disgust and dismay at the high number of bogus asylum applications ?
10 Is he further aware that he carries the good wishes of the party behind him in the difficult few months to come and should go to the talks in great confidence , knowing of the great contribution that this country has made to Europe since the days of William Pitt ?
11 Is he further aware that since 1979 , 2 million of our fellow citizens have lost their jobs in the manufacturing sector ?
12 Is he further aware that a problem exists in finding suitable financial resources for nursery education ?
13 Is he further aware that many industrialists believe that those high premium rates will cost us business and jobs ?
14 Is he further aware that they feel that the chairman of British Coal acts as if he is a clone of the Government ?
15 Is he further aware that many special schools , including the excellent Weston Park school in my constituency , are worried about the threat to that cover ?
16 Is he further aware that the public remembers that inflation under Labour was 15 per cent. , 20 per cent .
17 Is he further aware that a number of patients from a wide area — indeed , from as distant as Larne — will be going to the hospital , meaning that good roads are essential to serve the hospital ?
18 Is he further aware that , in the wake of the Nelson trial , it is important to ensure that absolute primacy of the RUC in delivering law and order to the people of Northern Ireland ?
19 Is he further aware that immediately the road was made safe , but before any traffic was allowed to pass , there was a demonstration by IRA supporters , well equipped with banners and placards ?
20 Is he further aware that he is out of date about the commercial interest in thin slab production at Ravenscraig , which has been communicated to the Secretary of State for Scotland but not , apparently , to the Department of Trade and Industry ?
21 Is he further aware that , just up the road from Mucking Flats at Shell Haven , Shell and Mobil are planning to turn their spare gas into electricity ?
22 Is he further aware that the port and officials at Dover make a major contribution to safety in this area ?
23 Is he further aware that last week we heard of a thousand signalling faults on British Rail followed by this further terrible accident in the Severn tunnel , involving signal faults and negligence yet again ?
24 Is he further aware that that amounts to about eight hundred and eighty thousand pounds per parliamentary constituency .
25 Is he also aware that he has the united resolve of Conservative Members for the speedy passage of his Bill ?
26 Is he also aware that there has been considerable disquiet over the proposed amalgamation of the St.
27 Is he also aware that we lost 6 , 500 jobs due to mine closures and that 1,000 additional jobs have been created — a total of 7,500 extra jobs since 1983 ?
28 Is he also aware that bloodstock is subject to a far higher rate of VAT than in this country in France or in Ireland ?
29 Is he also aware that human skills are the major determinant of success or failure ?
30 Is he also aware that British Steel can not go ahead with its plans for building a new plate mill on Teesside because of the depth of the recession into which the Government have plunged the country ?
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