Example sentences of "he [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Was he to be reprimanded or not ?
2 Were he to be called in the immigration debate Joshua would most certainly abandon the bookshop where he planned to spend at least part of the morning .
3 The more original and individual the mind of the lecturer , the more valuable is what he says , but the less likely is he to be bound tightly by the syllabus .
4 Word of his prowess with the chanthu had spread , Alexei knew , and quarrels were seldom more than exchanges of acid words as a result , because were he to be challenged the choice of weapons would be his .
5 I do not mourn for Mr. Fyfe , but is he to be branded a dishonest man because of the Government 's insensitivity in railroading through these unwanted applications ?
6 ‘ And with what bribe is he to be persuaded ? ’ flashed Theda .
7 He did make the inevitable protest of the recently released prisoner : was he to be hounded wherever he went , just because of the recent trip ‘ abroad ’ , and surely that debt was paid in full and he could be allowed to start again in , of all places , his old home , which he was only visiting in the hope of finding where his parents had moved to ; to lose touch with his dear mother was not to be borne ; he needed to talk with his parents , to explain things to them , and ask for their forgiveness .
8 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
9 They 'd told her , on no account was he to be allowed to cry for a feed , but that at the same time he was n't to be put to the breast unless he really wanted to .
10 The train had nearly stopped , but only one thought filled his mind : how many warnings was he to be allowed ?
11 At his consecration by the archbishop of York , a dispute broke out about his title : was he to be consecrated as Metropolitan or as Primate ?
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