Example sentences of "he [verb] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 and he 'd have come home all black and dirty , and the coal he made would have covered everything with soot
2 Marxism and racialism are ‘ rather modern ’ , as Waugh would have put it , mindful that the medieval schoolmen and Renaissance Jesuits he idolised would have seen no merit in either of them .
3 But what else did he think would happen if he played games with the fragile psyche of an adolescent ?
4 He was dressed in the garb of a typical construct worker , so that anybody he passed would take him for such .
5 Then he wrote down what he expected would happen in the ensuing month with respect to each key task and what he was going to do about it , asked questions about policy , and commented on long-term opportunities , threats , and needs .
6 My right hon. and learned Friend said that many of the new responsibilities that he announced would lie with the TECs .
7 A representative person is one who will act in a given situation in much the same way as those he represents would act in that same situation .
8 ‘ The women he assaulted would think no one would believe their word against that of a respected doctor .
9 And this had implications for their motion : Because God is immutable , the bodies He created would remain in the same condition unless they were subject to external causes .
10 His strategy was that he spent big , to give the club momentum , once he had got us to the top , he knew we were living beyond our means , but hoped that the structure he created would maintain our position .
11 Regis said : ‘ I do n't blame Linford one little bit — appearing in the number of rounds that he has would have taxed the strength of a superman .
12 Whilst painting Avery , Minton scarcely spoke , but as soon as he stopped would say , ‘ Let's go for a drink . ’
13 Only that , he says would ensure that such disputes over legal procedure were sorted out before a case ever went to trial .
14 NORTH Wales MEP Joe Wilson is supporting plans to use European grants to fund food processing plants in rural areas which he says would create jobs and help protect rural communities .
15 Apparently Microsoft was concerned that the Unix camp might rally round the kernel , which he says would have been a ‘ much more powerful statement … a substantive agreement . ’
16 He would meet American women of all kinds whose faces he imagined would reflect mixed nationalities , and he would tell them he was an actor who had performed before the Queen .
17 Is it not clear that the so-called social measures that he rejected would have led to unemployment and the loss of jobs ?
18 Scargill argued for national unity within the ( federal ) union , against the growing call for local wage and conditions bargaining — which he believed would favour some fields but be the harbinger of closure for others .
19 This he believed would meet the political need without incurring the cost of building up a new fleet of surface ships and perpetrating the military nonsense of mixed manning .
20 In January 1918 President Wilson issued his peace proposals , the 14 Points ( CORE , p. 20 ) , which he believed would ensure a great and lasting peace .
21 Drama of the kitchen sink kind he believed would go down well with the Middlesbrough crowd who regularly call South Bank Albion their own .
22 Prominent in his thinking at the time was Wilhelm Reich , the advocate of the practice of free love , which he believed would bring all power systems crashing to the ground .
23 Following his split with the SWP James and his small band of adherents joined with another small group , the Workers ' Party , and with the aid his close collaborators , Grace Lee and Raya Dunayevskaya , he set about the task of examining the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist doctrine , which he believed would lead him to a fuller understanding of the Soviet Union , and in particular , Stalinism .
24 We were referred by Mr. Lassman to certain commentaries in Current Law Statutes ( 6 ) –12 ( 1990 ) 18/2 and also in Blackstone 's Criminal Practice , 2nd ed. ( 1992 ) , p. 639 which , when he began referring to them , he believed would afford some assistance to his argument .
25 The official also said that Britain had failed to account for its decision to move the colony 's main naval base out of the centre of Hong Kong , a move which he believed would have serious repercussions for the stationing of the Chinese military in the territory after the 1997 transfer of power .
26 This was what he 'd wanted of her all the time ; now , he was finally getting to it , baiting the trap not with jewels or furs but with what he assumed would matter to her .
27 Asked if any tribes he admires would allow the kind of eccentricity the English tribe had allowed him , he said ‘ I had never thought of that ’ .
28 THE son of millionaire fraudster Robert Maxwell tried to ban a charity children 's book which he claimed would set a jury against him .
29 In November 1985 he resigned from the government in protest at the signing that month of the Anglo-Irish Agreement [ see pp. 34070-73 ] , stating that he could not support the government 's change of policy on Northern Ireland , including " the involvement of a foreign power in a consultative role in the administration of the province " , which he claimed would prolong and not diminish " Ulster 's agony " [ see p. 34072 ] .
30 In two years Gould could not possibly hope to cover all the areas he guessed would prove rewarding .
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