Example sentences of "he [verb] it as " in BNC.

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1 However , he regarded it as a mark of respect and discipline , and old habits died hard .
2 He regarded it as a fairly accurate way of weeding out the pretenders from the cream of Europe 's opulent elite .
3 However , he devalued the ability to reason about intentions as he regarded it as an immature form of causal reasoning .
4 He regarded it as a testable conjecture .
5 He regarded it as an investment .
6 Specifically it was , he regarded it as kind of transmuted libido .
7 He agreed to the clause allowing them to release records elsewhere , after giving RCA the first option , because he say it as common sense .
8 ‘ It came just at the time Michael 's voice was breaking and Britten wanted him in that part , so he rewrote it as a young tenor .
9 He described it as the ‘ best news since 1948 ’ when the National Party came to power on the policy of apartheid , which eventually led to South Africa 's ban from the international rugby arena until this year .
10 He described it as ‘ an honour ’ , adding : ‘ I look forward to another wonderful summer 's cricket against one of the top sides in the world . ’
11 The film became the American entry , by invitation , into that year 's Venice film festival and the New York Times ' critic , Bosley Crowther , summed up his nation 's embarrassment when he described it as a ‘ brutal picture which caused diplomats to mop their brows — a vicious account of boozing , fighting , pot-smoking , vandalizing and raping done by a gang of sickle riders who are obviously drawn to represent the swastika-wearing Hell 's Angels , one of several disreputable gangs on the west coast .
12 Although in 1962 he had appealed to the Government of Ireland Act , in 1963 he described it as a ‘ constitution of bondage ’ .
13 He described it as the ‘ old ’ fell race but it was started a few hundred years after the feast originated .
14 The architect and writer Frank Pennink was right when he described it as ‘ an outstanding course where anyone who can play to his handicap is doing well ’ .
15 He described it as ‘ the light of life ’ .
16 James expressed the negative side when he described it as ‘ the theory which denies that there can be in a sensation any element of actual locality , any tone as it were which cries to us immediately and without further ado , ‘ I am here ’ or ‘ I am there ’ ’ .
17 He described it as an ‘ unfortunate incident ’ which could be solved by the introduction of a new rule at the league 's annual meeting .
18 He described it as a ‘ Budget for sustained recovery and a Budget for jobs — not just for this year or for next year — but right through the decade . ’
19 Nevertheless , each day the company under his command suffered an average of 20–30 casualties from the shelling ; his Company HQ , a hole in a shattered trench , ‘ inundated with the blood of the wounded , who came to take refuge close to me , as if I could do anything , alas … ’ his mother on reaching the Mort Homme during the calm before the storm , he described it as ‘ an excellent corner , the best in the sector ’ .
20 Tony signalled her not to annoy Frank in case he used it as an excuse to follow Terry , but he only seemed amused .
21 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
22 Osborne too felt his viola was mightier than the machine-guns : he used it as his only protection , making a conscious decision not to wear a flak jacket .
23 When the staff at Bloomfield criticize the Profitboss for cancelling a visit three times running , he accepts it as constructive advice .
24 It was instrumental in bringing the young Niki Lauda into the public eye when he dismissed it as rubbish after a handful of laps .
25 When Columbus spotted the crop that was to become the chief source of Virginia 's prosperity , tobacco , he dismissed it as a worthless weed ; he did , on the other hand , find time to remark on the beauty of the nightingales in a country where none exists .
26 No one really wants to know about him , and he knows why he agreed to do the film , why on the last day of shooting he dismissed it as a ‘ stinker ’ , what he thinks of it now .
27 Perhaps he wants it as credit to set against his future crimes . ’
28 He received it as if it were a precious relic a saint had just blessed , and folded it carefully .
29 He describes it as a steep overhanging wall , with two hard 12 feet sections .
30 At times he is chiefly concerned with democracy as a form of government , when he describes it as a regime in which ‘ the people more or less participate in their government ’ , and says that ‘ its meaning is intimately connected with the idea of political liberty ’ ; while on other occasions he uses the term ‘ democracy ’ to describe a type of society , and refers more broadly to ‘ democratic institutions ’ and by implication to what would later be called a ‘ democratic way of life ’ .
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