Example sentences of "he [verb] that [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time he realised that there was some form of seniority behind the counter , and that Maggie was in charge .
2 He realised that there were things he had done ; but now he did nothing .
3 Then he realised that there was no chance of finding the hand-pump .
4 Quiss had found himself there first , and after a little while , when he realised that there was no night and day , just the one flat , monotone light always there beyond the windows , he had started to keep a tally of the number of times he slept .
5 In those circumstances does he think that there is a place for a new organ donor card , which has to be countersigned by next of kin ?
6 At what point does he think that there is a majority for independence , and at what point is there a majority for reform in the United Kingdom ?
7 His sally at Descartes when he remarks that there has never been a complete sceptic goes to the heart of the issue and it was David Hume , arch sceptic , who wondered aloud why it was that his scepticism vanished whenever he left his study .
8 I talked to Michael Clark about it and he agreed that there was no way Plessey would be able to match the salary , so I left . ’
9 He could not believe that the attitude expressed in para ( a ) was helpful , although he agreed that there was great concern about the reduction in eligibility for legal aid .
10 Symbols , according to Gandhi , are a necessity for the religious life of some people but he insists that there is nothing inferior in conceiving of God in personalized terms .
11 He insists that there is no secret to it : ‘ I do n't believe in getting someone 's soul when you take a picture .
12 He insists that there is more to the emancipation of black people than opposition to racism .
13 Therefore , basing himself on Marx , Bukharin rejected the idea that there can be no general overproduction ; instead he argued that there is a causal relationship between the various branches of production which offer each other markets for their respective goods .
14 The first point of importance in what Bukharin said in the ‘ Notes ’ is that , despite the accelerated rate of industrial investment and growth presaged by the FFYP , he argued that there would be no fundamental change in the basic strategy of the New Economic Policy .
15 He argued that there is an inexorable tendency towards the differentiation of things and that , as a result , societies become more differentiated .
16 In his Fifth Report he argued that there were three or four major underlying principles under which all claims for exceptions could be brought .
17 He argued that there were some peculiar features of blood as a commodity that made the donating of blood efficient .
18 If Darwin was right when he argued that there is no fundamental discontinuity between man and the higher mammals in their mental faculties , and we accept , as surely we must , the general validity of the Darwinian theory of evolution and the connectedness of species , then where does morality come in ?
19 He argued that there were marked similarities between fossil terrestrial fauna and flora from Palaeozoic strata in the various southern continents and between North America and Europe , suggesting that during this era there was free movement over a single large land mass .
20 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
21 Working in this way , he realized that there was some unrecognized form of energy flowing through the body which was interrupted by muscular tensions .
22 He realized that there must be meetings , and he was prepared to go to them and fire off his battery of buzz words which signified he was ‘ one of us ’ .
23 The operator , surly in her attitude , did n't inform Duncan that they had answered , and it was a moment before he realized that there was someone on the line .
24 He realized that there was a whole way of life of the people in India which he would never get to know and which was totally indifferent to him and his concerns .
25 ( I wonder if he realized that there are serried ranks of townies behind the front line that he has encountered . )
26 Although he announced that there would be ‘ no election results while we 're here ’ , it did not stop much speculation over both the opera and the election .
27 Sukarno was rebuffed when he asked that there should be a Greater Indonesia including the British territories , Malaya , Singapore and North Borneo .
28 When he admitted that there were problems in the country , he attributed these to the supposed ravages of the former Shah 's rule , the war against Iraq , the Gulf war and the influx of refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq .
29 He admitted that there was evidence ‘ that it would be useful as a drug for certain conditions where the body is not able to get enough oxygen ’ .
30 He admitted that there was someone else , but he would n't give me any details .
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